if (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.msie && $.browser.version * 1 > 10) { //下雪方法 (function (a) { function g() { var b, a = {}; for (type in{ Top: "", Left: "" }) b = "Top" == type ? "Y" : "X", "undefined" != typeof window["page" + b + "Offset"] ? a[type.toLowerCase()] = window["page" + b + "Offset"] : (b = document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement : document.body, a[type.toLowerCase()] = b["scroll" + type]); return a } function o(a) { this.parent = document.body, this.createEl(this.parent, a), this.size = 5 * Math.random() + 5, this.el.style.width = Math.round(this.size) + "px", this.el.style.height = Math.round(this.size) + "px", this.maxLeft = document.body.offsetWidth - this.size, this.maxTop = document.body.offsetHeight - this.size, this.left = Math.random() * this.maxLeft, this.top = g().top + 1, this.angle = 1.4 + .2 * Math.random(), this.minAngle = 1.4, this.maxAngle = 1.6, this.angleDelta = .01 * Math.random(), this.speed = 2 + Math.random() } var b = window, d = function () { var a = document.createElement("canvas"); return "function" == typeof a.getContext }; window.Snow = function (a, b) { !function () { var c, b = ["webkit", "moz"]; for (c = 0; c < b.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++c) window.requestAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[b[c] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function (a) { var c = 14, d = window.setTimeout(function () { a(c) }, c); return d }), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (a) { clearTimeout(a) }) }(), this.settings = b, this.flakes = [], this.flakeCount = b.count, this.mx = -100, this.my = -100, this.init(a) }, Snow.prototype.init = function (c) { var d, e, f, g, h, i; for (this.canvas = c.get(0), this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.canvas.width = b.innerWidth, this.canvas.height = a(c.get(0)).attr("height"), this.flakes = [], d = 0; d < this.flakeCount; d++) e = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.width), f = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.height), g = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) % this.settings.size + 2, h = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) % this.settings.speed + Math.random() * g / 10 + .5, i = .5 * Math.random() + this.settings.opacity, this.flakes.push({ speed: h, velY: h, velX: 0, x: e, y: f, size: g, stepSize: Math.random() / 30, step: 0, angle: 180, opacity: i }); 1 == this.settings.interaction && this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function (a) { this.mx = a.clientX, this.my = a.client }), "string" == typeof this.settings.image && (this.image = a("")), this.snow() }, Snow.prototype.snow = function () { var a = this, c = function () { var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p; for (a.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, a.canvas.width, a.canvas.height), d = 0; d < a.flakeCount; d++) { if (e = a.flakes[d], f = a.mx, g = a.my, h = 100, i = e.x, j = e.y, k = Math.sqrt((i - f) * (i - f) + (j - g) * (j - g)), h > k) l = h / (k * k), m = (f - i) / k, n = (g - j) / k, o = l / 2, e.velX -= o * m, e.velY -= o * n; else switch (e.velX *= .98, e.velY <= e.speed && (e.velY = e.speed), a.settings.windPower) { case!1: e.velX += Math.cos(e.step += .05) * e.stepSize; break; case 0: e.velX += Math.cos(e.step += .05) * e.stepSize; break; default: e.velX += .01 + a.settings.windPower / 100 } e.y += e.velY, e.x += e.velX, (e.y >= a.canvas.height || e.y <= 0) && a.resetFlake(e), (e.x >= a.canvas.width || e.x <= 0) && a.resetFlake(e), 0 == a.settings.image ? (p = a.ctx.createRadialGradient(e.x, e.y, 0, e.x, e.y, e.size - 1), p.addColorStop(0, a.settings.startColor), p.addColorStop(1, a.settings.endColor), a.ctx.fillStyle = p, a.ctx.beginPath(), a.ctx.arc(e.x, e.y, e.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI), a.ctx.fill()) : a.ctx.drawImage(a.image.get(0), e.x, e.y, 2 * e.size, 2 * e.size) } b.cancelAnimationFrame(c), b.requestAnimationFrame(c) }; c() }, Snow.prototype.resetFlake = function (a) { var b, c, d, e; 0 == this.settings.windPower || 0 == this.settings.windPower ? (a.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.width), a.y = 0) : this.settings.windPower > 0 ? (b = Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.width), 0), c = Array(0, Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.height)), d = Array(b, c), e = d[Math.floor(Math.random() * d.length)], a.x = e[0], a.y = e[1]) : (b = Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.width), 0), c = Array(this.canvas.width, Math.floor(Math.random() * this.canvas.height)), d = Array(b, c), e = d[Math.floor(Math.random() * d.length)], a.x = e[0], a.y = e[1]), a.size = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) % this.settings.size + 2, a.speed = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) % this.settings.speed + Math.random() * a.size / 10 + .5, a.velY = a.speed, a.velX = 0, a.opacity = .5 * Math.random() + this.settings.opacity }, a.fn.canvasSnow = function () { var b = d(); b && a(this).each(function (b, c) { var d = {}; a.each(c.attributes, function (b, c) { d[a.camelCase(c.name)] = Number(Number(c.value)) ? Number(c.value) : c.value }), "string" == typeof d.image && "false" === d.image && (d.image = !1), new Snow(a(c), { speed: 1, interaction: d.interaction || !0, size: d.size || 2, count: d.count || 200, opacity: d.opacity || 1, startColor: d.startColor || "rgba(255,255,255,1)", endColor: d.endColor || "rgba(255,255,255,0)", windPower: d.windPower || 0, image: d.image || !1 }) }) }, o.prototype = { createEl: function (a, b) { this.el = document.createElement("img"), this.el.classname = "nicesnowclass", this.el.setAttribute("src", b || ""), this.el.style.position = "absolute", this.el.style.display = "block", this.el.style.zIndex = "99999", this.parent.appendChild(this.el) }, move: function () { (this.angle < this.minAngle || this.angle > this.maxAngle) && (this.angleDelta = -this.angleDelta), this.angle += this.angleDelta, this.left += this.speed * Math.cos(this.angle * Math.PI), this.top -= this.speed * Math.sin(this.angle * Math.PI), this.left < 0 ? this.left = this.maxLeft : this.left > this.maxLeft && (this.left = 0) }, draw: function () { this.el.style.top = Math.round(this.top) + "px", this.el.style.left = Math.round(this.left) + "px" }, remove: function () { this.parent.removeChild(this.el), this.parent = this.el = null } } })(jQuery); //流星 (function (a) { function n(e, f) { var g = a(e), i = document.createElement("canvas"); g.append(i), i.width = f.width || window.innerWidth, i.height = f.height || window.innerHeight, i.className = "meteor-canvas", c = i.height, d = i.width, b = i.getContext("2d"), b.fillStyle = "black", 100 > d / h && (j = 100) } function p() { for (var a = 0; f > a; a++) e[a].getColor(), e[a].draw(); clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(p, 200) } function r() { var a, d; for (a = 0; h > a; a++) d = g[a], d.move(), d.y > c + 100 && (b.clearRect(d.x, d.y - d.height, d.width, d.height), i[a] = 0, g[a] = new q(a), g[a].init(a)); clearTimeout(k), k = setTimeout(r, 10) } var b, c, d, k, l, q, e = [], f = 200, g = [], h = 3, i = [], j = 200, m = function () { var a = document.createElement("canvas"); return "function" == typeof a.getContext }, o = function () { this.x = d * Math.random(), this.y = 5e3 * Math.random(), this.text = ".", this.color = "white" }; o.prototype = { constructor: o, getColor: function () { var a = Math.random(); this.color = .5 > a ? "gray" : "white" }, init: function () { this.getColor() }, draw: function () { b.beginPath(), b.arc(this.x, this.y, .05, 0, 2 * Math.PI), b.strokeStyle = this.color, b.stroke(), b.closePath() } }, q = function () { this.x = -1, this.y = -1, this.length = -1, this.angle = 30, this.width = -1, this.height = -1, this.speed = 1, this.offset_x = -1, this.offset_y = -1, this.alpha = 1, this.color1 = "", this.color2 = "" }, q.prototype = { constructor: q, init: function (a) { var b, c, d; this.getPos(a), this.alpha = 1, b = 80 * Math.random() + 180, this.length = Math.ceil(b), this.angle = 30, b = Math.random() + .5, this.speed = Math.ceil(b), c = Math.cos(3.14 * this.angle / 180), d = Math.sin(3.14 * this.angle / 180), this.width = this.length * c, this.height = this.length * d, this.offset_x = 3.5 * this.speed * c, this.offset_y = 3.5 * this.speed * d }, countPos: function () { this.x = this.x - this.offset_x, this.y = this.y + this.offset_y }, getPos: function (a) { function b() { if (_this.x = Math.random() * d, i.length) for (var c = 0; c < i.length; c++) if (Math.abs(_this.x - i[c]) < j) return b(); i[a] = _this.x } _this = this, b(), this.y = .2 * c }, draw: function () { b.save(), b.beginPath(), b.lineWidth = 2.5, b.globalAlpha = this.alpha; var a = b.createLinearGradient(this.x, this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y - this.height); a.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"), a.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255,255 , 0)"), this.alpha < 0 && (this.alpha = -this.alpha), b.strokeStyle = a, b.moveTo(this.x, this.y), b.lineTo(this.x + this.width, this.y - this.height), b.closePath(), b.stroke(), b.restore() }, move: function () { this.x + this.width - this.offset_x; var c = this.y - this.height; this.alpha -= .002, this.countPos(), this.alpha <= 0 ? this.alpha = 0 : this.alpha > 1 && (this.alpha = 1), b.clearRect(this.x - this.offset_x, c, this.width + this.offset_x, this.height), this.draw() } }, a.fn.extend({ canvasMeteor: function (b) { var c = m(); b = b || {}, e = [], g = [], c && a(this).each(function (a, c) { var d, i; for (n(c, b), a = 0; f > a; a++) d = new o, d.init(), d.draw(), e.push(d); for (a = 0; h > a; a++) i = new q(a), i.init(a), i.draw(), g.push(i); p(), r() }) } }) })(jQuery); //烟花 (function (a) { var b = function () { var a = document.createElement("canvas"); return "function" == typeof a.getContext }, c = function (a, b) { return ~~(Math.random() * (b - a + 1) + a) }, d = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return !(e > a + c || a > e + g || f > b + d || b > f + h) }, e = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (a) { window.setTimeout(a, 1e3 / 60) } }(), f = function (b, c) { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.canvas.width = this.cw = c.width || a(window).innerWidth(), this.canvas.height = this.ch = c.height || a(window).innerHeight(), this.particles = [], this.partCount = 150, this.fireworks = [], this.mx = this.cw / 2, this.my = this.ch / 2, this.currentHue = 30, this.partSpeed = 5, this.partSpeedVariance = 10, this.partWind = 50, this.partFriction = 5, this.partGravity = 1, this.hueMin = 0, this.hueMax = 360, this.fworkSpeed = 4, this.fworkAccel = 10, this.hueVariance = 30, this.flickerDensity = 25, this.showShockwave = !0, this.showTarget = !1, this.clearAlpha = 25, a(b).append(this.canvas), this.canvas.className = "fireworks-canvas", this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.ctx.lineCap = "round", this.ctx.lineJoin = "round", this.lineWidth = 1, this.bindEvents(), this.canvasLoop() }; f.prototype = { constructor: f, createParticles: function (a, b, d) { for (var f, e = this.partCount; e--;) f = { x: a, y: b, coordLast: [{x: a, y: b}, {x: a, y: b}, {x: a, y: b}], angle: c(0, 360), speed: c(this.partSpeed - this.partSpeedVariance <= 0 ? 1 : this.partSpeed - this.partSpeedVariance, this.partSpeed + this.partSpeedVariance), friction: 1 - this.partFriction / 100, gravity: this.partGravity / 2, hue: c(d - this.hueVariance, d + this.hueVariance), brightness: c(50, 80), alpha: c(40, 100) / 100, decay: c(10, 50) / 1e3, wind: (c(0, this.partWind) - this.partWind / 2) / 25, lineWidth: this.lineWidth }, this.particles.push(f) }, updateParticles: function () { for (var b, c, e, f, a = this.particles.length; a--;) b = this.particles[a], c = b.angle * Math.PI / 180, e = Math.cos(c) * b.speed, f = Math.sin(c) * b.speed, b.speed *= b.friction, b.coordLast[2].x = b.coordLast[1].x, b.coordLast[2].y = b.coordLast[1].y, b.coordLast[1].x = b.coordLast[0].x, b.coordLast[1].y = b.coordLast[0].y, b.coordLast[0].x = b.x, b.coordLast[0].y = b.y, b.x += e, b.y += f, b.y += b.gravity, b.angle += b.wind, b.alpha -= b.decay, (!d(0, 0, this.cw, this.ch, b.x - b.radius, b.y - b.radius, 2 * b.radius, 2 * b.radius) || b.alpha < .05) && this.particles.splice(a, 1) }, drawParticles: function () { for (var b, d, e, f, a = this.particles.length; a--;) b = this.particles[a], d = c(1, 3) - 1, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(Math.round(b.coordLast[d].x), Math.round(b.coordLast[d].y)), this.ctx.lineTo(Math.round(b.x), Math.round(b.y)), this.ctx.closePath(), this.ctx.strokeStyle = "hsla(" + b.hue + ", 100%, " + b.brightness + "%, " + b.alpha + ")", this.ctx.stroke(), this.flickerDensity > 0 && (e = 50 - this.flickerDensity, c(0, e) === e && (this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.arc(Math.round(b.x), Math.round(b.y), c(b.lineWidth, b.lineWidth + 3) / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), this.ctx.closePath(), f = c(50, 100) / 100, this.ctx.fillStyle = "hsla(" + b.hue + ", 100%, " + b.brightness + "%, " + f + ")", this.ctx.fill())) }, createFireworks: function (a, b, d, e) { var f = { x: a, y: b, startX: a, startY: b, hitX: !1, hitY: !1, coordLast: [{x: a, y: b}, {x: a, y: b}, {x: a, y: b}], targetX: d, targetY: e, speed: this.fworkSpeed, angle: Math.atan2(e - b, d - a), shockwaveAngle: Math.atan2(e - b, d - a) + 90 * (Math.PI / 180), acceleration: this.fworkAccel / 100, hue: this.currentHue, brightness: c(50, 80), alpha: c(50, 100) / 100, lineWidth: this.lineWidth }; this.fireworks.push(f) }, updateFireworks: function () { for (var b, a = this.fireworks.length; a--;) b = this.fireworks[a], this.ctx.lineWidth = b.lineWidth, vx = Math.cos(b.angle) * b.speed, vy = Math.sin(b.angle) * b.speed, b.speed *= 1 + b.acceleration, b.coordLast[2].x = b.coordLast[1].x, b.coordLast[2].y = b.coordLast[1].y, b.coordLast[1].x = b.coordLast[0].x, b.coordLast[1].y = b.coordLast[0].y, b.coordLast[0].x = b.x, b.coordLast[0].y = b.y, b.startX >= b.targetX ? b.x + vx <= b.targetX ? (b.x = b.targetX, b.hitX = !0) : b.x += vx : b.x + vx >= b.targetX ? (b.x = b.targetX, b.hitX = !0) : b.x += vx, b.startY >= b.targetY ? b.y + vy <= b.targetY ? (b.y = b.targetY, b.hitY = !0) : b.y += vy : b.y + vy >= b.targetY ? (b.y = b.targetY, b.hitY = !0) : b.y += vy, b.hitX && b.hitY && (this.createParticles(b.targetX, b.targetY, b.hue), this.fireworks.splice(a, 1)) }, drawFireworks: function () { var b, d, a = this.fireworks.length; for (this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; a--;) b = this.fireworks[a], this.ctx.lineWidth = b.lineWidth, d = c(1, 3) - 1, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(Math.round(b.coordLast[d].x), Math.round(b.coordLast[d].y)), this.ctx.lineTo(Math.round(b.x), Math.round(b.y)), this.ctx.closePath(), this.ctx.strokeStyle = "hsla(" + b.hue + ", 100%, " + b.brightness + "%, " + b.alpha + ")", this.ctx.stroke(), this.showTarget && (this.ctx.save(), this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.arc(Math.round(b.targetX), Math.round(b.targetY), c(1, 8), 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), this.ctx.closePath(), this.ctx.lineWidth = 1, this.ctx.stroke(), this.ctx.restore()), this.showShockwave && (this.ctx.save(), this.ctx.translate(Math.round(b.x), Math.round(b.y)), this.ctx.rotate(b.shockwaveAngle), this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.arc(0, 0, 1 * (b.speed / 5), 0, Math.PI, !0), this.ctx.strokeStyle = "hsla(" + b.hue + ", 100%, " + b.brightness + "%, " + c(25, 60) / 100 + ")", this.ctx.lineWidth = b.lineWidth, this.ctx.stroke(), this.ctx.restore()) }, bindEvents: function () { function d() { a.mx = a.canvas.width * Math.random() - a.canvas.offsetLeft, a.my = a.canvas.height * Math.random() - a.canvas.offsetTop, a.currentHue = c(a.hueMin, a.hueMax), a.createFireworks(a.cw / 2, a.ch, a.mx, a.my), setTimeout(function () { e(d.bind(a)) }, 500) } var a = this; a.clear(), e(d.bind(a)) }, clear: function () { this.particles = [], this.fireworks = [], this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.cw, this.ch) }, canvasLoop: function () { var a = this; e(this.canvasLoop.bind(a), this.canvas), this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out", this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.clearAlpha / 100 + ")", this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.cw, this.ch), this.updateFireworks(), this.updateParticles(), this.drawFireworks(), this.drawParticles() } }, a.fn.extend({ canvasFireworks: function (c) { var d = b(); c = c || {}, d && a(this).each(function (a, b) { new f(b, c) }) } }) })(jQuery); //下雨 (function (a) { function b() { this.dir = 3, this.height = 30, this.count = 100 } b.prototype.init = function () { var a = this; a.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), a.canvas.width = a.W = a.curDom.width(), a.canvas.height = a.H = a.curDom.height(), a.curDom.append(a.canvas), a.ctx = a.canvas.getContext("2d"), setInterval(function () { a.clearCanvas() }, 100) }, b.prototype.clearCanvas = function () { var a = this; a.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, a.W, a.H), a.draws() }, b.prototype.draw = function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.ctx, e = c.ctx.createLinearGradient(a, b, a - c.dir, b + c.height); e.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0,0,0,0)"), e.addColorStop(.5, "rgba(105,105,105,0.2)"), e.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)"), d.strokeStyle = e, d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(a, b), d.lineTo(a - c.dir, b + c.height), d.lineWidth = 2, d.stroke(), d.closePath() }, b.prototype.draws = function () { var b, a = this; for (b = 1; b <= a.count; b++) a.draw(Math.random() * a.W, Math.random() * a.H) }, a.fn.extend({ canvasRain: function (c) { var d = new b; d.curDom = a(this), c && (c.dir && (d.dir = c.dir), c.height && (d.height = c.height), c.count && (d.count = c.count)), d.init() } }) })(jQuery); //气泡 (function ($) { $.fn.canvasAirBubble = function (options) { var curDom = $(this), width = curDom.width(), height = curDom.height(), canvas, ctx, target, animateHeader = true, circles = [], settings = $.extend({ color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.4)', radius: 20, densety: 0.3, clearOffset: 0.2 }, options); initContainer(); function initContainer() { target = {x: 0, y: height}; initCanvas(); canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); for (var x = 0; x < width * settings.densety; x++) { var c = new Circle(); circles.push(c) } animate() } function initCanvas() { var canvasElement = document.createElement('canvas'); canvasElement.id = 'canvas'; curDom.append(canvasElement) } function animate() { if (animateHeader) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); for (var i in circles) { circles[i].draw() } } requestAnimationFrame(animate) } function randomColor() { return "rgba(" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + "," + Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + "," + Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + "," + Math.random().toPrecision(2) + ")" } function Circle() { var self = this; (function () { self.pos = {}; init() })(); function init() { self.pos.x = Math.random() * width; self.pos.y = height + Math.random() * 100; self.alpha = 0.1 + Math.random() * settings.clearOffset; self.scale = 0.1 + Math.random() * 0.3; self.speed = Math.random(); if (settings.color == 'random') { self.color = randomColor() } else { self.color = settings.color } } this.draw = function () { if (self.alpha <= 0) { init() } self.pos.y -= self.speed; self.alpha -= 0.0005; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.scale * settings.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = self.color; ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath() } } } })(jQuery); } /**************** 前台页面公用的js方法 *******************/ /*Banner3D的插件*/ ;(function($) { function Banner3D(curDom) { var that = this; that.curDom = curDom; that.curDomType = that.curDom.hasClass('customModuleRowGroup') ? 'rowGroup' : 'banner'; that.effectType = that.curDom.attr('data-effect-type'); that.autoTime = (that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' && is_action) ? null : that.curDom.attr('data-auto-time') * 1000; that.autoTimeFun = null; that.durationTime = that.curDom.attr('data-duration-time') * 1000; that.canvasType = that.curDom.attr('data-canvas-type'); that.piclistArea = that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' ? that.curDom.find(".rowGroup-box") : that.curDom.find(".piclist-area"); that.piclistBox = that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' ? that.curDom.find(".rowGroup-box-inner") : that.curDom.find(".piclist-box"); that.btnArea = that.curDom.children(".ctrl-btn-area"); that.sidebarArea = that.curDom.children(".ctrl-sidebar-area"); that.smallpicObj = { 'area': that.curDom.children(".smallpic-area") }; that.liArray = that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' ? that.curDom.find(".customModuleRow") : that.piclistBox.find(".list-item"); that.sumLi = that.liArray.length; that.curLiIndex = null; that.curLi = null; that.defaultLi = that.curDom.attr('data-showsum') || 0; that.effectKey = 0; that.targetIndex = 0; } Banner3D.prototype.init = function() { var that = this, curClass = 'cur'; that.liArray.css({ 'animation-duration': that.durationTime + 'ms' }); that.liArray.eq(that.defaultLi).addClass(curClass); that.liArray.each(function(i, dom) { dom = $(dom); dom.data('loaded', 0).attr('data-loaded', 0); if (dom.hasClass(curClass)) { that.curLiIndex = that.targetIndex = i; that.curLi = dom; that.sidebarArea.length && that.sidebarArea.find('em').eq(i).addClass('cur'); that.smallpicObj.area.length && that.smallpicObj.area.find('em').eq(i).addClass('cur'); that.loadImg(); } }); that.btnArea.length && that.btnArea.on({ click: function() { var atcion = $(this).attr('data-action'); that.effectKey = atcion == 'next' ? 1 : 0; that.initFun(that.curLiIndex + (atcion == 'next' ? +1 : -1)); } }, '.btn'); that.sidebarArea.length && that.sidebarArea.on({ click: function() { var $this = $(this); that.autoTime = null; that.autoTimeFun && clearTimeout(that.autoTimeFun); if (!$this.hasClass('cur')) { var index = $this.index(); that.effectKey = index > that.curLiIndex ? 1 : 0; that.initFun(index); } } }, 'em'); that.curDom.on({ 'mouseenter': function() { that.autoTime = null; clearTimeout(that.autoTimeFun); }, 'mouseleave': function() { that.autoTime = (that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' && is_action) ? null : that.curDom.attr('data-auto-time') * 1000; that.autoPlay(); } }); // 焦点图特出处理 if (that.curDomType === 'banner') { if (that.smallpicObj.area.length) { that.smallpicObj.area.on({ click: function() { var $this = $(this); that.autoTime = null; that.autoTimeFun && clearTimeout(that.autoTimeFun); if (!$this.hasClass('cur')) { var index = $this.index(); that.effectKey = index > that.curLiIndex ? 1 : 0; that.initFun(index); } } }, 'em'); that.smallpicAnimation(); } wsf.banner3D.canvasLoad(that.curDom); } that.autoPlay(); }; Banner3D.prototype.loadImg = function() { var that = this; if(that.curLi.length){ if(that.curLi.attr('data-loaded') * 1 !== 1){ that.curLi.attr('data-loaded', 1); if (that.curDomType === 'rowGroup') { that.curLi.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function(i, dom) { wsf.f.upJsFun($(dom)); }); } else { var img = new Image(), picItem = that.curLi.find('.pic-item'); picItem.addClass('loading-pic'); if (picItem.data('title')) { picItem.attr('title', picItem.data('title')); } img.onload = function() { picItem.css('background-image', 'url(' + picItem.data('imgurl') + ')'); img = null; picItem.removeClass('loading-pic'); }; img.src = picItem.data('imgurl'); } } if (that.curDomType === 'rowGroup') { setTimeout(function(){ that.curLi.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function(i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var curDomEditBox = dom; if (dom.hasClass('ev-module-edit')) { curDomEditBox = dom.find('div.ev-module-edit-box:first') } if (curDomEditBox.data('animate-name')) { wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(curDomEditBox); } wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(dom); }); that.liArray.each(function(i, rowDom) { rowDom = $(rowDom); if (!rowDom.is(that.curLi)) { rowDom.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function(i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var curDomEditBox = dom; if (dom.hasClass('ev-module-edit')) { curDomEditBox = dom.find('div.ev-module-edit-box:first'); } if (curDomEditBox.data('animate-name')) { curDomEditBox.attr('data-loadanimate', 0); curDomEditBox.addClass('load-animate'); } }); } }); },that.durationTime); } } }; Banner3D.prototype.smallpicAnimation = function() { var that = this; if (!that.smallpicObj.inner) { that.smallpicObj.areaW = that.smallpicObj.area.width(); that.smallpicObj.areaH = that.smallpicObj.area.height(); that.smallpicObj.inner = that.smallpicObj.area.find('.smallpic-inner'); that.smallpicObj.inner.data('translateX', 0); that.smallpicObj.emArray = that.smallpicObj.inner.find('em'); if ($.inArray(that.smallpicObj.area.attr('data-skin') * 1, [151, 152]) == -1) { that.smallpicObj.innerW = (function() { var w = that.smallpicObj.areaW, w_ = 0; that.smallpicObj.emArray.each(function(i, dom) { dom = $(dom); w_ += dom.width(); }); return Math.max(w, w_); })(); that.smallpicObj.inner.width(that.smallpicObj.innerW); } } if ($.inArray(that.smallpicObj.area.attr('data-skin') * 1, [151, 152]) == -1) { if (that.smallpicObj.areaW < that.smallpicObj.innerW) { (function() { var cz = that.smallpicObj.innerW - that.smallpicObj.areaW, curEm = that.smallpicObj.emArray.eq(that.targetIndex), left = curEm.position().left, x = 0; if (left < 0 || left + curEm.width() > that.smallpicObj.areaW) { x = that.smallpicObj.inner.data('translateX') + (left < 0 ? Math.abs(left) : -(curEm.width() + left - that.smallpicObj.areaW)); left < 0 ? (x > 0 && (x = 0)) : ((Math.abs(x) > that.smallpicObj.innerW - that.smallpicObj.areaW) && (x = -(that.smallpicObj.innerW - that.smallpicObj.areaW))); that.smallpicObj.inner.data('translateX', x); that.smallpicObj.inner.css({ 'transform': 'translateX(' + x + 'px)' }); } })(); } } }; Banner3D.prototype.initFun = function(targetIndex) { var that = this; if(is_action && that.curDomType === 'rowGroup'){ that.liArray = that.curDom.find(".customModuleRow"); that.sumLi = that.liArray.length; that.effectType = that.curDom.attr('data-effect-type'); that.targetIndex = that.curLiIndex = that.curDom.find(".customModuleRow.cur").index(); } // that.autoTime != null && that.curDom.attr('data-auto-time') * 1000; if (that.durationTime != that.curDom.attr('data-duration-time') * 1000) { that.durationTime = that.curDom.attr('data-duration-time') * 1000; that.liArray.css({ 'animation-duration': that.durationTime + 'ms' }); } if (that.targetIndex == that.curLiIndex && that.sumLi > 1) { that.targetIndex = ((targetIndex == that.sumLi && '0') || (targetIndex < 0 && (that.sumLi - 1)) || targetIndex) * 1; that.curLi = $(that.liArray[that.targetIndex]); if ($.browser.msie && $.inArray($.browser.version, ['6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0', '10.0']) != -1) { that.IEanimationFun((that.effectType == 0 && Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1)) || that.effectType * 1); } else { that.animationFun((that.effectType == 0 && Math.floor(Math.random() * 8 + 1)) || that.effectType * 1); } that.loadImg(); } }; Banner3D.prototype.effectJson = { 1: [ ['bannerEffect-1-1-out', 'bannerEffect-1-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-1-2-out', 'bannerEffect-1-2-in'] ], 2: [ ['bannerEffect-2-1-out', 'bannerEffect-2-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-2-2-out', 'bannerEffect-2-2-in'] ], 3: [ ['bannerEffect-3-out', 'bannerEffect-3-in'], ['bannerEffect-3-out', 'bannerEffect-3-in'] ], 4: [ ['bannerEffect-4-1-out', 'bannerEffect-4-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-4-2-out', 'bannerEffect-4-2-in'] ], 5: [ ['bannerEffect-5-1-out', 'bannerEffect-5-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-5-2-out', 'bannerEffect-5-2-in'] ], 6: [ ['bannerEffect-6-1-out', 'bannerEffect-6-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-6-2-out', 'bannerEffect-6-2-in'] ], 7: [ ['bannerEffect-7-1-out', 'bannerEffect-7-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-7-2-out', 'bannerEffect-7-2-in'] ], 8: [ ['bannerEffect-8-1-out', 'bannerEffect-8-1-in'], ['bannerEffect-8-2-out', 'bannerEffect-8-2-in'] ] }; Banner3D.prototype.animationFun = function(types) { var that = this, effectKey = that.effectKey, liArray = that.liArray, effectJson = that.effectJson; that.sidebarArea.length && that.sidebarArea.find('em').removeClass('cur').eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur'); that.smallpicObj.area.length && (that.smallpicObj.area.find('em').removeClass('cur').eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur'), that.smallpicAnimation()); that.piclistArea.attr('class', (that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' ? 'rowGroup-box' : 'piclist-area') + ' bannerEffect-' + types); switch (types) { case 6: liArray.css({ '-webkit-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.width() / 2) + 'px', '-moz-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.width() / 2) + 'px', '-ms-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.width() / 2) + 'px', '-o-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.width() / 2) + 'px', 'transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.width() / 2) + 'px' }); break; case 7: liArray.css({ '-webkit-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.height() / 2) + 'px', '-moz-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.height() / 2) + 'px', '-ms-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.height() / 2) + 'px', '-o-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.height() / 2) + 'px', 'transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (that.piclistArea.height() / 2) + 'px' }); break; default: liArray.css({ '-webkit-transform-origin': '50% 50%', '-moz-transform-origin': '50% 50%', '-ms-transform-origin': '50% 50%', '-o-transform-origin': '50% 50%', 'transform-origin': '50% 50%' }); break; } switch (types) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 6: case 7: case 8: liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).addClass(effectJson[types][effectKey][0]); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur ' + effectJson[types][effectKey][1]); setTimeout(function() { that.curDomType !== 'rowGroup' && (function() { var curVideo = liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).find('video'), nextVideo = liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).find('video'); curVideo.length && curVideo.attr('src') != 'none' && curVideo[0].pause(); nextVideo.length && nextVideo.attr('src') != 'none' && nextVideo[0].play(); })(); liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).removeClass('cur ' + effectJson[types][effectKey][0]); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).removeClass(effectJson[types][effectKey][1]); that.curLiIndex = that.targetIndex; that.autoPlay(); }, that.durationTime - 20); break; case 4: case 5: liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).addClass(effectJson[types][effectKey][0]); setTimeout(function() { liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).removeClass('cur ' + effectJson[types][effectKey][0]); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur ' + effectJson[types][effectKey][1]); setTimeout(function() { (function() { var curVideo = liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).find('video'), nextVideo = liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).find('video'); curVideo.length && curVideo.attr('src') != 'none' && curVideo[0].pause(); nextVideo.length && nextVideo.attr('src') != 'none' && nextVideo[0].play(); })(); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).removeClass(effectJson[types][effectKey][1]); that.curLiIndex = that.targetIndex; that.autoPlay(); }, that.durationTime); }, that.durationTime - 20); break; } }; Banner3D.prototype.IEanimationFun = function(types) { var that = this, aKey = null, effectKey = that.effectKey, liArray = that.liArray, effectJson = that.effectJson; that.sidebarArea.length && that.sidebarArea.find('em').removeClass('cur').eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur'); that.smallpicObj.area.length && that.smallpicObj.area.find('em').removeClass('cur').eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur'); that.piclistArea.attr('class', (that.curDomType === 'rowGroup' ? 'rowGroup-box' : 'piclist-area') + ' bannerEffect-' + types); switch (types) { case 1: liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, that.durationTime, function() { $(this).removeClass('cur').css('opacity', ''); that.curLiIndex = that.targetIndex; that.autoPlay(); }); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur').css('opacity', 0).animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, that.durationTime); break; case 2: aKey = that.effectKey == 1 ? ['-100%', '100%'] : ['100%', '-100%']; liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).animate({ 'left': aKey[0] }, that.durationTime, function() { $(this).removeClass('cur').css('left', 0); that.curLiIndex = that.targetIndex; that.autoPlay(); }); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur').css('left', aKey[1]).animate({ 'left': 0 }, that.durationTime); break; case 3: aKey = that.effectKey == 1 ? ['-100%', '100%'] : ['100%', '-100%']; liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex).animate({ 'top': aKey[0] }, that.durationTime, function() { $(this).removeClass('cur').css('top', 0); that.curLiIndex = that.targetIndex; that.autoPlay(); }); liArray.eq(that.targetIndex).addClass('cur').css('top', aKey[1]).animate({ 'top': 0 }, that.durationTime); break; } }; Banner3D.prototype.autoPlay = function() { var that = this; if (that.autoTime) { that.autoTimeFun = setTimeout(function() { that.effectKey = 1; that.initFun(that.curLiIndex + 1); // that.curLi = that.liArray.eq(that.curLiIndex + 1); }, that.autoTime); } }; $.extend({ banner3D: function(curDom) { curDom[0]['banner3D'] = new Banner3D(curDom); curDom[0].banner3D.init(); } }); })(jQuery); /* * jquery focusImg * 焦点图js功能 */ (function ($) { $.fn.extend({ focusImg: function (options) { return this.each(function () { var Opts = { uistyle: "style-1", fnclass: "inOut", evtype: "mouseenter", usertime: 6 }; Opts = $.extend(Opts, options); var full = $(this), fWidth = full.parent().width(), fHeight = full.parent().height(), uistyle = Opts.uistyle, fnclass = Opts.fnclass, pUl = full.children("ul"), pLi = pUl.find("li"), bNav = $("
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"); pLi.each(function (e) { ban.append(""); }); full.append(bNav.attr("class", "banner-nav-1").html(ban)); eventfn(ban, "span"); } break; case "style-2": if (pLi.length > 1) { var ban = $("
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("+b.getLengthInBits()+">"+8*a+")");for(b.getLengthInBits()+4<=8*a&&b.put(0,4);0!=b.getLengthInBits()%8;)b.putBit(!1);for(;!(b.getLengthInBits()>=8*a);){b.put(o.PAD0,8);if(b.getLengthInBits()>=8*a)break;b.put(o.PAD1,8)}return o.createBytes(b,c)};o.createBytes=function(a,c){for(var d= 0,b=0,e=0,f=Array(c.length),i=Array(c.length),g=0;g>>=1;return c},getPatternPosition:function(a){return j.PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE[a-1]},getMask:function(a,c,d){switch(a){case 0:return 0==(c+d)%2;case 1:return 0==c%2;case 2:return 0==d%3;case 3:return 0==(c+d)%3;case 4:return 0==(Math.floor(c/2)+Math.floor(d/3))%2;case 5:return 0==c*d%2+c*d%3;case 6:return 0==(c*d%2+c*d%3)%2;case 7:return 0==(c*d%3+(c+d)%2)%2;default:throw Error("bad maskPattern:"+ a);}},getErrorCorrectPolynomial:function(a){for(var c=new q([1],0),d=0;dc)switch(a){case 1:return 10;case 2:return 9;case s:return 8;case 8:return 8;default:throw Error("mode:"+a);}else if(27>c)switch(a){case 1:return 12;case 2:return 11;case s:return 16;case 8:return 10;default:throw Error("mode:"+a);}else if(41>c)switch(a){case 1:return 14;case 2:return 13;case s:return 16;case 8:return 12;default:throw Error("mode:"+ a);}else throw Error("type:"+c);},getLostPoint:function(a){for(var c=a.getModuleCount(),d=0,b=0;b=g;g++)if(!(0>b+g||c<=b+g))for(var h=-1;1>=h;h++)0>e+h||c<=e+h||0==g&&0==h||i==a.isDark(b+g,e+h)&&f++;5a)throw Error("glog("+a+")");return l.LOG_TABLE[a]},gexp:function(a){for(;0>a;)a+=255;for(;256<=a;)a-=255;return l.EXP_TABLE[a]},EXP_TABLE:Array(256), LOG_TABLE:Array(256)},m=0;8>m;m++)l.EXP_TABLE[m]=1<m;m++)l.EXP_TABLE[m]=l.EXP_TABLE[m-4]^l.EXP_TABLE[m-5]^l.EXP_TABLE[m-6]^l.EXP_TABLE[m-8];for(m=0;255>m;m++)l.LOG_TABLE[l.EXP_TABLE[m]]=m;q.prototype={get:function(a){return this.num[a]},getLength:function(){return this.num.length},multiply:function(a){for(var c=Array(this.getLength()+a.getLength()-1),d=0;d this.getLength()-a.getLength())return this;for(var c=l.glog(this.get(0))-l.glog(a.get(0)),d=Array(this.getLength()),b=0;b>>7-a%8&1)},put:function(a,c){for(var d=0;d>>c-d-1&1))},getLengthInBits:function(){return this.length},putBit:function(a){var c=Math.floor(this.length/8);this.buffer.length<=c&&this.buffer.push(0);a&&(this.buffer[c]|=128>>>this.length%8);this.length++}};"string"===typeof h&&(h={text:h});h=r.extend({},{render:"canvas",width:256,height:256,typeNumber:-1, correctLevel:2,background:"#ffffff",foreground:"#000000"},h);return this.each(function(){var a;if("canvas"==h.render){a=new o(h.typeNumber,h.correctLevel);a.addData(h.text);a.make();var c=document.createElement("canvas");c.width=h.width;c.height=h.height;for(var d=c.getContext("2d"),b=h.width/a.getModuleCount(),e=h.height/a.getModuleCount(),f=0;f").css("width",h.width+"px").css("height",h.height+"px").css("border","0px").css("border-collapse","collapse").css("background-color",h.background);d=h.width/a.getModuleCount();b=h.height/a.getModuleCount();for(e=0;e").css("height",b+"px").appendTo(c);for(i=0;i").css("width", d+"px").css("background-color",a.isDark(e,i)?h.foreground:h.background).appendTo(f)}}a=c;jQuery(a).appendTo(this)})}})(jQuery); 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'-' : '') + j.prefix + x1 + x2 + j.suffix; }, // Robert Penner's easeOutExpo easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) * 1024 / 1023 + b; }, ensureNumber: function (n) { return (typeof n === 'number' && !isNaN(n)); }, initialize: function () { var self = this, j = self.options; if (self.initialized) { return true } self.error = ''; if (!j.target.length) { self.error = '[CountUp] target is null or undefined'; return false; } if (self.ensureNumber(j.startVal) && self.ensureNumber(j.endVal)) { j.decimals = Math.max(0, j.decimals || 0); self.dec = Math.pow(10, j.decimals); j.duration = j.duration * 1000 || 2000; self.countDown = (j.startVal > j.endVal); self.frameVal = j.startVal; return self.initialized = true; } else { self.error = '[CountUp] startVal (' + j.startVal + ') or endVal (' + j.endVal + ') is not a number'; return false; } }, // Print value to target printValue: function (value) { var self = this, j = self.options; j.runCallback && j.runCallback(value); result = self.formatNumber(value); if (j.target[0].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'input') { j.target.val(result); } else { j.target.html(result); } }, count: function (timestamp) { var self = this, j = self.options; if (!self.startTime) { self.startTime = timestamp; } self.timestamp = timestamp; var progress = timestamp - self.startTime; self.remaining = j.duration - progress; // to ease or not to ease if (j.easingFn) { if (self.countDown) { self.frameVal = j.startVal - self[j.easingFn](progress, 0, j.startVal - j.endVal, j.duration); } else { self.frameVal = self[j.easingFn](progress, j.startVal, j.endVal - j.startVal, j.duration); } } else { if (self.countDown) { self.frameVal = j.startVal - ((j.startVal - j.endVal) * (progress / j.duration)); } else { self.frameVal = j.startVal + (j.endVal - j.startVal) * (progress / j.duration); } } // don't go past endVal since progress can exceed duration in the last frame if (self.countDown) { self.frameVal = (self.frameVal < j.endVal) ? j.endVal : self.frameVal; } else { self.frameVal = (self.frameVal > j.endVal) ? j.endVal : self.frameVal; } // decimal self.frameVal = Math.round(self.frameVal * self.dec) / self.dec; // format and print value self.printValue(self.frameVal); // whether to continue if (progress < j.duration) { self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.count(arguments[0]); }); } else { j.endCallback && j.endCallback(); } }, // start your animation start: function () { var self = this, j = self.options; if (!self.initialize()) { return; } j.startCallback && j.startCallback(); self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.count(arguments[0]); }); }, // toggles pause/resume animation pauseResume: function () { var self = this, j = self.options; if (!self.paused) { self.paused = true; cancelAnimationFrame(self.rAF); } else { self.paused = false; delete self.startTime; j.duration = self.remaining; j.startVal = self.frameVal; requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.count(arguments[0]); }); } }, // reset to startVal so animation can be run again reset: function () { var self = this, j = self.options; self.paused = false; delete self.startTime; self.initialized = false; if (self.initialize()) { cancelAnimationFrame(self.rAF); self.printValue(j.startVal); } }, // pass a new endVal and start animation update: function (newEndVal) { var self = this, j = self.options; if (!self.initialize()){ return; } if (!self.ensureNumber(newEndVal)) { self.error = '[CountUp] update() - new endVal is not a number: ' + newEndVal; return; } self.error = ''; if (newEndVal === self.frameVal){ return; } cancelAnimationFrame(self.rAF); self.paused = false; delete self.startTime; j.startVal = self.frameVal; j.endVal = newEndVal; self.countDown = (j.startVal > j.endVal); self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.count(arguments[0]); }); } }; $.fn.extend({ countUp: function (j) { if (j.target.length) { this.data('countup', new CountUp(j)); } else { console.log('没找到对象'); } } }); }(jQuery)); // swf定义一个网站全局的对象,用来存储前台网站的各个方法。是webSiteFunction wsf = {}; wsf.pDom = {}; wsf.f = { //功能性函数 s_j: function (st) { //字符串转换成json var j; if (!!st) { j = "{" + st + "}"; j = eval('(' + j + ')'); return j; } else { j = {}; return j; } }, j_s: function (j) { //将json转换成字符串 var x = []; for (var i in j) { x.push(i + ":" + j[i]); } return x.join(","); }, addLoadingWait: function (o) { //添加loadingWait o = o ? o : $('body'); var w = o.width(), h = o.height(); var loading = $('
'); o.append(loading); }, alertWindow: function (text, icon, times) { var icons = ['warn', 'error', 'right', 'load']; icons = isNaN(parseInt(icon)) ? icon : icons[icon]; return window.$.popup({ // addTarget: parWin.Ev.pubVar.winDocum.find("body"), type: 1, animate: { type: 1, target: 1 }, head: { yes: 0 }, opBut: { yes: 0 }, autoClose: { yes: times === 'infinite' ? 0 : 1, time: times ? times : 1.5 }, but: { yes: 0 }, con: { text: [1, text], img: [1, icons] } }); }, confirmWindow: function (text, icon, efun, rfun) { return $.popup({ type: 2, animate: { type: 1 }, cName: "evPopupWhite", area: { w: 300 }, con: { text: [1, text], img: [1, icon] }, but: { yes: 1, button: { but_1: { text: $weisiteLa.QueDing, fun: function () { efun && efun(); } }, but_2: { text: $weisiteLa.QuXiao, fun: function () { rfun && rfun(); } } } } }); }, openWin: function (tit, url, w, h) { w = w ? w : 600; h = h ? h : 500; var popups = $.popup({ cName: "evPopupOpacity", type: 5, area: { w: w, h: h }, head: { text: tit }, animate: { type: 1 }, con: { src: url } }); return { w: $("#popupIframe_" + popups), n: popups }; }, showWXCode: function (src) { var popups = $.popup({ cName: "evPopupWhite", type: 4, area: { w: 'auto', h: 'auto' }, head: { yes: 0 }, animate: { type: 1 }, con: { html: '


' } }); /*return { w: $("#popupIframe_" + popups), n: popups };*/ }, reg: { phoneTelDigit: function (v) { var reg = /((^(\+86|86)?[0]?1[3578]\d{9})|(^\d{3,4}\-\d{7,8})|(^\d{3,4}\-\d{7,8})\-\d{1,4})$/; var z = reg.test(v); return z; } }, tip: { tipDom: null, addTip: function(j){ if(!j.getDom.data('tip')){ j.getDom.data('tip',1); var that = this, getOffset = j.getDom.offset(), getWidth = j.getDom.outerWidth(), getHeigght = j.getDom.outerHeight(), movetop = null, top = null, movetop = null; that.tipDom = $('
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' + j.text + '

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break; case getDom.hasClass('ev-banner-module'): wsf.banner3D.init(getDom); break; case getDom.hasClass('ev-albums-module'): wsf.textListModule(getDom); wsf.albums(getDom); wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(curDom); break; case getDom.hasClass('ev-search-module'): wsf.evSearch.load(getDom); break; // oldmo case getDom.hasClass('text-list-module'): setTimeout(function () { wsf.textListModule(getDom); wsf.moveModule(getDom); wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(curDom); }, 100); break; case getDom.hasClass('pic-text-module'): wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(curDom); break; case getDom.hasClass('focus-pic-module'): wsf.focusPicModule(curDom.find('.mo').attr('id')); break; case getDom.hasClass('pic-text-list-module'): setTimeout(function () { wsf.textListModule(getDom); wsf.moveModule(getDom); wsf.sysDoc(curDom.find('.ev-sys-doc-module')); wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(curDom); }, 100); break; case getDom.hasClass('form-module'): if(arguments[1]){ wsf.formModule.submit_verify(curDom.find('form'), arguments[1]); wsf.formModule.defaultValVerify(getDom); } break; case getDom.hasClass('video-module'): setTimeout(function () { wsf.videoModule(getDom); }, 100); break; case getDom.hasClass('catalogList'): setTimeout(function () { wsf.catalogList(getDom); }, 100); break; case getDom.hasClass('menu-catalog-module'): setTimeout(function () { wsf.menuCatalogModule(getDom); wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(curDom); }, 100); break; case getDom.hasClass('pic-module'): wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(curDom); break; } } }, annimationLoadMo: function (dom) { if (dom.attr('data-loadanimate') != 1) { dom.data('loadanimate', 1); var v = { 'dom': dom, 'st': dom.attr('style') || '', 'aName': dom.data('animate-name'), 'aDelay': dom.data('animate-delay'), 'aDuration': dom.data('animate-duration') }; if (v.aName) { v.dom.addClass('animated ' + v.aName).css({ 'animation-delay': v.aDelay, 'animation-duration': v.aDuration }); setTimeout(function () { v.dom.removeClass('load-animate'); }, v.aDelay.slice(0, v.aDelay.length - 1) * 1000 + 30); setTimeout(function () { v.dom.attr('style', v.st).removeClass('animated ' + v.aName); dom.hasClass('ev-module-edit-box') && wsf.f.progressLoading(dom); // 关于视频的加载 dom.hasClass('customModule') && (function(){ var videoModule = dom.find('div.video-module'); if(videoModule.length){ wsf.videoModule(videoModule); } })(); wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(v.dom); v.dom.find('.ev-module-edit-box,.customModule').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); dom.hasClass('ev-module-edit-box') && wsf.f.progressLoading(dom); // 关于视频的加载 dom.hasClass('customModule') && (function(){ var videoModule = dom.find('div.video-module'); if(videoModule.length){ wsf.videoModule(videoModule); } })(); wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(dom); }); }, v.aDelay.slice(0, v.aDelay.length - 1) * 1000 + v.aDuration.slice(0, v.aDuration.length - 1) * 1000 + 1); } } }, imgLazyLoading: function(curDom){ curDom.find('.lazy-loading').each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); var oImage = new Image(); oImage.onload = function () { dom.attr('src', this.src).addClass('lazy-loading-animate'); setTimeout(function(){ dom.removeClass('lazy-loading lazy-loading-animate'); }, 1000); }; oImage.src = dom.attr('data-original-src'); }); }, progressLoading: function(curDom){ var progress = curDom.find('div.ev-progress-module'); progress.length && wsf.progress.load(progress.eq(0)); }, positionShow: function (curDom, pos) { // 计算模块的九个位置 var domW = curDom.width(), domH = curDom.height(), posArray = [ [0, 'auto', 'auto', 0, 0, 0], [0, 'auto', 'auto', '50%', 0, '-' + domW/2 + 'px'], [0, 0, 'auto', 'auto', 0, '-' + domW], ['50%', 'auto', 'auto', 0, '-' + domH/2 + 'px', 0], ['50%', 'auto', 'auto', '50%', '-' + domH/2 + 'px', '-' + domW/2 + 'px'], ['50%', 0, 'auto', 'auto', '-' + domH/2 + 'px', 0], ['auto', 'auto', 0, 0, 0, 0], ['auto', 'auto', 0, '50%', 0, '-' + domW/2 + 'px'], ['auto', 0, 0, 'auto', 0, 0] ]; curDom.css({ 'top': posArray[pos][0], 'right': posArray[pos][1], 'bottom': posArray[pos][2], 'left': posArray[pos][3], 'margin-top': posArray[pos][4], 'margin-left': posArray[pos][5] }); }, mCScrollbar: function (obj, j) { if (!obj.data('cscroll')) { var j_ = { scrollInertia: 50, scrollbarPosition: 'outside', theme: "dark-3", autoHideScrollbar: false, mouseWheel: {preventDefault: true}, scrollButtons: { enable: false }, callbacks: { onScrollStart: function(){ }, onScroll: function(){ var $this = $(this); if(this.mcs.topPct === 100){ $.scrollify.next(); }else if(this.mcs.topPct === 0){ $.scrollify.previous(); } }, onTotalScroll: function(){ $.scrollify.next(); }, onTotalScrollBack:function(){ $.scrollify.previous(); } } }; if (j) { j_ = $.extend(j_, j); } obj.mCustomScrollbar(j_); obj.data('cscroll', 1); } else { obj.mCustomScrollbar("update"); } } }; //分享 wsf.share = { shareLayerDom :null, wechatCode : null, setwin: function (w, d) { var iWidth = w; //弹出窗口的宽度; var iHeight = d; //弹出窗口的高度; var iTop = (window.screen.availHeight - 30 - iHeight) / 2; //获得窗口的垂直位置; var iLeft = (window.screen.availWidth - 10 - iWidth) / 2; //获得窗口的水平位置; return { iTop: iTop, iLeft: iLeft } }, openWindow: function(getData){ var that = this; window.open(getData.url, "newwindow", "width=" + getData.width + ",height=" + getData.height + ", toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, status=no,top=" + that.setwin(getData.width, getData.height).iTop + ",left=" + that.setwin(getData.width, getData.height).iLeft ); }, bindEvent: function(){ var that = this; wsf.pDom.bodyDom.on({ 'mouseenter.share': function(){ var $this = $(this); if($this.hasClass('evIcon')){ var type = $this.data('type'), data = $this.closest('.share-list').data(); switch (type) { case 'wechat': if(!$this.data('mouseenter')){ $this.data('mouseenter',1); var hostName = location.protocol + '//' + GData.wapDomain, geturl = (data.url && ((data.url).indexOf('vip_') != -1)) ? (data.url).replace(/vip_/, 'wap_') : data.url, div = $('
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'); wsf.f.tip.addTip({getDom: $this.closest('li'), html: div}); } break; } } }, 'mouseleave.share': function(){ var $this = $(this); if($this.hasClass('evIcon')) { var type = $this.data('type'); switch (type) { case 'wechat': if($this.data('mouseenter')){ wsf.f.tip.delTip({getDom:$this.closest('li')}); $this.removeData('mouseenter'); } break; } } }, 'click.share': function(){ var $this = $(this); var type = $this.data('type'), data = $this.closest('.share-list').data(), url = encodeURIComponent(data.url ? (data.url.indexOf('http') != -1 ? data.url : (location.origin + data.url)) : location.href), title = encodeURIComponent(data.title || document.title), summary = encodeURIComponent(data.summary || $('meta[name="keywords"]').attr('content')), pic = encodeURIComponent(data.pic || ''); switch(type){ case 'weibo': that.openWindow({ url : 'http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?url='+url+'&title='+title+'&count='+summary+'&pic='+pic+'&searchPic=true', width: 650, height: 534 }); break; case 'qzone': that.openWindow({ url : 'http://sns.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/qzshare/cgi_qzshare_onekey?url='+url+'&title='+title+'&site='+url+'&summary='+summary+'&desc='+title+'&pics='+pic, width: 650, height: 534 }); break; case 'qq': that.openWindow({ url : 'http://connect.qq.com/widget/shareqq/index.html?url='+url+'&title='+title+'&site='+url+'&summary='+summary+'&desc='+title+'&pics='+pic, width: 800, height: 680 }); break; case 'douban': that.openWindow({ url : 'http://www.douban.com/recommend/?url='+url+'&title='+title+'&sel='+summary, width: 800, height: 680 }); break; case 'baidu': that.openWindow({ url : 'http://tieba.baidu.com/f/commit/share/openShareApi?url='+url+'&title='+title+'&desc='+summary+'&comment=&pic='+pic, width: 630, height: 640 }); break; } } }, '.share-list .evIcon'); }, createShareLayer : function(clickDom){ var that = this; that.body = $('body'); if(!that.body.data('sharelayer')){ var listArray = [ ['weibo-3', 'wechat-1', 'qq-9', 'qzone-1', 'baidu-3', 'douban-2'], [['微博', 'weibo'], ['微信', 'wechat'], ['QQ好友', 'qq'], ['QQ空间', 'qzone'], ['百度', 'baidu'], ['豆瓣', 'douban']] ],liArray = []; $.each(listArray[0], function(i, v){ var txtarr = listArray[1][i]; liArray.push('
  • ' + txtarr[0] + '
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    '}); }; img.src = src; } break; } }, 'mouseleave.concern': function(){ var $this = $(this); wsf.f.tip.delTip({getDom:$this.closest('li')}); }, 'click.concern':function(){ var $this = $(this), concernList = $this.closest('.concern-list'), type = $this.attr('data-type'), url = null; switch(type){ case 'weibo': case 'qzone': case 'baidu': url = concernList.attr('data-' + type); url && window.open(concernList.attr('data-' + type), '_blank'); break; } } }, '.concern-list .evIcon'); }; wsf.banner3D = { init: function (obj) { if (obj) { $.banner3D(obj); } else { // $('div.ev-banner-module, .customModuleRowGroup').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); dom.is(':visible') && $.banner3D(dom); }); } }, canvasLoad: function (curDom) { canvasArea = curDom.find('.canvas-area'); // canvas动画 switch (curDom.attr('data-canvas-type') * 1) { case 0: canvasArea.empty(); break; case 1: canvasArea.empty(); canvasArea.canvasRain({ dir: 4, height: 20, count: 50 }); break; case 2: canvasArea.empty(); canvasArea.html(''); canvasArea.find('canvas').attr({ 'height': canvasArea.height() }).canvasSnow(); break; case 3: canvasArea.empty(); canvasArea.canvasFireworks({ width: canvasArea.width(), height: canvasArea.height() }); break; case 4: canvasArea.empty(); canvasArea.canvasMeteor({ width: canvasArea.width() < 810 ? 810 : canvasArea.width(), height: canvasArea.height() || 100 }); break; case 5: canvasArea.empty(); canvasArea.canvasAirBubble({ radius: 45, densety: .1, color: 'rgba(255,255,255, .4)', //color: 'random', clearOffset: .3 }); break; } } }; wsf.rowvideo = function () { var rowvideobg = $('div.rowvideobg'); rowvideobg.each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var video = dom.find('video'); video.length && (function () { setTimeout(function(){ var vow = video.width(), voh = video.height(), vnh = null, vnw = null, vph = video.parent().height(), vpw = video.parent().width(); if (vow == vpw) { if (voh < vph) { video.css({height: '100%', width: 'auto'}); vnw = video.width(); vnw > vpw && video.css({left: -(vnw - vpw) / 2 + 'px'}); } voh > vph && video.css({top: -(voh - vph) / 2 + 'px'}); } }, 10); })(); }); }; // 动画加载效果 wsf.loadAnimate = { getDom: [], getLoadImg: [], getProgress: [], loadFun: function(){ var that = this; $("div.load-animate[data-animate-name][data-animate-delay][data-animate-duration]").each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var tag = true, evContainer = dom.closest('.ev-container'); if (dom.is(':visible')) { if (evContainer.length) { if (evContainer.hasClass('ev-tab-container-two') && !evContainer.hasClass('ev-tab-active')) { tag = false; } } } else { tag = false; } tag && that.getDom.push({ 'dom': dom, 'st': dom.attr('style') || '', 'oTop': dom.offset().top, 'loaded': false, 'aName': dom.data('animate-name'), 'aDelay': dom.data('animate-delay'), 'aDuration': dom.data('animate-duration') }); }); $("img.lazy-loading").each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var tag = true, evContainer = dom.closest('.ev-container'), row = dom.closest('.customModuleRow'); if (evContainer.length) { if (evContainer.hasClass('ev-tab-container-two') && !evContainer.hasClass('ev-tab-active')) { tag = false; } } if(row.length){ if (row.is(':hidden')) { tag = false; } } tag && that.getLoadImg.push({ 'dom': dom, 'st': dom.attr('style') || '', 'oTop': (function () { var picTextListModule = dom.closest('.pic-text-list-module'), top = dom.offset().top; if (picTextListModule.length && picTextListModule.attr('data-move') * 1 === 1 && (picTextListModule.attr('data-axis') === 'top' || picTextListModule.attr('data-axis') === 'bottom')) { top = picTextListModule.parent().offset().top; } return top; })(), 'loaded': false, 'src': dom.data('original-src') }); }); }, showAnimateMo: function(s, h){ var that = this, animateTag = (s !== undefined && h != undefined); if (that.getDom.length > 0) { $.map(that.getDom, function (v, i) { if(animateTag){ if (!v.loaded && (s + h > v.oTop) && (v.oTop + v.dom.height() > s || (v.dom.data('fixed') || v.dom.parent().data('fixed')) * 1 === 1)) { if ($.browser && $.browser.msie && $.browser.msie < 9) { v.dom.removeClass('load-animate'); v.loaded = true; } else { wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(v.dom); v.loaded = true; if (v.dom.parent().hasClass('ev-tab-container-two')) { v.dom.attr('data-loadanimate', 1).data('loadanimate', 1); } } } }else{ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(v.dom); v.loaded = true; } }); } if (that.getLoadImg.length > 0) { $.map(that.getLoadImg, function (v, i) { if(animateTag){ if (!v.loaded && (s + h > v.oTop) && (v.oTop + v.dom.height() > s || v.dom.closest('div[data-fixed="1"]').data('fixed'))) { wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(v.dom.parent()); v.loaded = true; } }else{ wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(v.dom.parent()); v.loaded = true; } }); } } } //滚动的时候的固定定位模块方法 wsf.scrollFixed = { 'judge': function () { var that = this; that.fixedDomJson = { 'wrap': $("#wrapper"), 'alone': {}, 'group': {} }; (function () { var domArray = [$('#top_area'), $('#web_nav'), $('#header')], i = 0; while (i < domArray.length) { if (domArray[i].length) { var dom = domArray[i]; if (dom.attr('data-fixed') === '1') { that.fixedDomJson.alone[dom.attr('id')] = { 'dom': dom, 'iDom': dom.children(["class*='Inner'"]).eq(0), 'iDomS': dom.children(["class*='Inner'"]).eq(0).attr('style'), 'fixed': dom.attr('data-fixed'), 'fixedX': dom.attr('data-fixedx') == '-1' ? dom.offset().top : dom.attr('data-fixedx'), 'oLeft': dom.offset().left, 'oTop': dom.offset().top, 'position': dom.css('position'), 'width': dom.width(), 'height': dom.height() }; } } i++; } })(); $('div.headPublicModuleRow').find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var id = dom.attr('id'); if (dom.hasClass('customModule')) { id = dom.find('.Mo').attr('id'); } if (dom.attr('data-fixed') === '1') { that.fixedDomJson.group[id] = { 'dom': dom, 'fixed': dom.attr('data-fixed'), 'fixedX': dom.attr('data-fixedx') == '-1' ? dom.offset().top : dom.attr('data-fixedx'), 'oLeft': dom.offset().left, 'oTop': dom.offset().top, 'pLeft': dom.position().left, 'pTop': dom.position().top }; } }); $('#absolute_module_wrap').find('.absolute-module').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); if (dom.attr('data-fixed') === '1') { that.fixedDomJson.group[dom.attr('id')] = { 'dom': dom, 'fixed': dom.attr('data-fixed'), 'fixedX': dom.attr('data-fixedx') == '-1' ? dom.offset().top : dom.attr('data-fixedx'), 'oLeft': dom.offset().left, 'oTop': dom.offset().top, 'pLeft': dom.position().left, 'pTop': dom.position().top }; } }); }, 'fun': function (x) { var alone = this.fixedDomJson.alone, group = this.fixedDomJson.group, wrap = this.fixedDomJson.wrap, padtop = 0; $.each(alone, function (i, v) { if (v.fixed) { if (x >= v.fixedX) { v.dom.height(v.height); if (v.dom.is($('#web_nav')) && (v.width < v.iDom.width())) { v.iDom.css({ 'width': '100%', 'left': 0 }); } else { v.iDom.css({ 'width': v.width, 'left': v.left }); } v.iDom.addClass('scrollFixed').css({ 'position': 'fixed', top: (v.oTop - v.fixedX) <= 0 ? 0 : (v.oTop - v.fixedX) }); } else { v.iDom.removeClass('scrollFixed').attr('style', v.iDomS || ''); } } }); $.each(group, function (i, v) { if (v.fixed) { if (x >= v.fixedX) { v.dom.css({ position: 'fixed', left: v.oLeft, top: (v.oTop - v.fixedX) < 0 ? 0 : (v.oTop - v.fixedX) }); } else { v.dom.css({ position: 'absolute', left: v.pLeft, top: v.pTop }); } } }); } }; //给window对象绑定事件 wsf.wScroll = function (a) { var curWin = isParentWindow ? window.top : window, curWinDom = $(curWin), eventList = curWinDom.data('events') || $._data(curWin, 'events'); if (isParentWindow || curWin === window) { if (eventList && eventList['scroll']) { $.each(eventList['scroll'], function (i, v) { if (v.namespace === 'moCount') { curWinDom.off('scroll.moCount'); return false; } }); } } if (isParentWindow) { var adminWrapper = $('#adminWrapper', curWin.document); curWinDom.on({ 'scroll.moCount': function () { var st = curWinDom.scrollTop(), h = curWinDom.height() - parseInt(adminWrapper.css('padding-top')); wsf.loadAnimate.showAnimateMo(st, h); wsf.progress.showProgress(st, h); } }); var defst = curWinDom.scrollTop(), defh = curWinDom.height() - parseInt(adminWrapper.css('padding-top')); wsf.loadAnimate.showAnimateMo(defst, defh); wsf.progress.showProgress(defst, defh); } else { curWinDom.on({ 'scroll.moCount': function (event) { var st = curWinDom.scrollTop(), h = curWinDom[0].innerHeight; wsf.loadAnimate.showAnimateMo(st, h); wsf.progress.showProgress(st, h); wsf.fixedRow.showFixedDom(st, h); wsf.scrollFixed.fun(st); }, 'resize.moCount': function () { wsf.fullRow.countMoPosition(); // wsf.fullRow.evRFSwidthmodule.length && wsf.f.positionShow(wsf.fullRow.evRFSwidthmodule, wsf.fullRow.evRFSwidthmodule.attr('data-position') - 1); } }); var defst = curWinDom.scrollTop(), defh = curWinDom.height(); wsf.loadAnimate.showAnimateMo(defst, defh); wsf.fixedRow.showFixedDom(defst, defh); wsf.progress.showProgress(defst, defh); } }; // 站点导航的方法,主要作用是显示和隐藏子导航菜单。 wsf.nav = function () { var webNav = $('#web_nav'), navInner = webNav.find('.navInner'), fullSubNavBox = $('#fullSubNavBox'), documents = $(document), leaveJson = { curSubRow: null, hideTime: null, curItem: null, startTimeFn: function(){ var that = this; that.hideTime = setTimeout(function(){ leaveJson.hideFun(); }, 200); }, endTimeFn: function(){ var that = this; clearTimeout(that.hideTime); }, hideFun: function(){ var that = this; that.curItem && that.curItem.removeClass('NItemH'); if(that.curSubRow && that.curSubRow.length){ that.curSubRow.removeClass('customModuleRowBlock animated').addClass('customModuleRowNone'); that.curSubRow = null; } }, showFun: function(an){ var that = this; if(that.curSubRow && that.curSubRow.length){ if(!that.curSubRow.data('ajaxload')){ that.curSubRow.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); wsf.f.upJsFun(dom); if(dom.hasClass('customModule')){ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(dom); }else{ var curDomEditBox = dom.find('div.ev-module-edit-box:first'); if(curDomEditBox.data('animate-name')){ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(curDomEditBox); } } wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(dom); }); that.curSubRow.data('ajaxload', 1); wsf.queryMJsEffect(MJsData); } that.curSubRow.removeClass('customModuleRowNone').addClass('customModuleRowBlock'); that.curItem && that.curItem.addClass('NItemH'); if(an){ setTimeout(function(){ that.curSubRow.addClass('animated'); }); }else{ that.curSubRow.addClass('animated'); } } } }, NSubShowFun = function(curItem){ var sub = curItem.find("div.NSub"); if (sub.length) { var l = curItem.offset().left, pl = sub.width() + l; if (pl > documents.width()) { sub.css({ left: 'auto', right: 0 }); } curItem.addClass('NItemSub'); } }; $("#nav").on({ mouseenter: function (event) { var $this = $(this), subLayout = webNav.attr('data-sublayout') * 1, animated = true; if (!$this.hasClass('NItemCur') && !$this.hasClass("NItemH")) { $this.addClass("NItemH"); 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}else if(!$this.data('subid') || is_action){ $this.removeClass("NItemH"); } break; default: $this.removeClass("NItemSub NItemH"); break; } } }, '.NItem'); // 给全屏子菜单绑定事件 if(!is_action && fullSubNavBox.length){ // 移除空的子菜单行 fullSubNavBox.children('.customModuleRow').each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); var tag = false; if(dom.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').length){ tag = true; } if(!tag){ dom.remove(); } }); // 给子菜单行绑定事件 fullSubNavBox.on({ mouseenter: function(){ if(leaveJson.curSubRow){ leaveJson.endTimeFn(); } }, mouseleave: function(){ if(leaveJson.curSubRow && !leaveJson.curSubRow.hasClass('curEditRow')){ leaveJson.startTimeFn(); } } }, '.customModuleRow'); } }; // 站点搜索框方法,主要作用是显示和隐藏默认文字。 wsf.search = function () { var searchModule = $("form.search-form"); if (searchModule.length) { searchModule.each(function (i, formDom) { formDom = $(formDom); var formDomId = formDom.attr('id'), parentSearch = formDom.closest('.search'); formDom.on('focus blur keydown', '.keyWord .input', function (event) { var curDom = $(this), curDomVal = curDom.val(), curDomDefaultVal = curDom.attr('data-defaultv'); switch (event.type) { case 'focusin': curDomVal == curDomDefaultVal && curDom.val(''); break; case 'focusout': (curDomVal == curDomDefaultVal || !curDomVal) && curDom.val(curDomDefaultVal); break; case 'keydown': event.keyCode === 13 && formDom.find('.keyBtn').trigger('click'); break; } }); formDom.on({ click: function () { var keyWord = formDom.find('.keyWord .input'), curDomVal = keyWord.val(), curDomDefaultVal = keyWord.attr('data-defaultv'); if (!curDomVal || (curDomVal == curDomDefaultVal && !(keyWord.attr('data-isdefaultsearch') * 1))) { wsf.f.alertWindow(parentSearch.attr('data-tishi'), 0); keyWord.trigger('focus'); return false; } if (parentSearch.attr('data-search-type') == 2) { formDom.submit(); } else { window.location.href = formDom.attr("action") + "&keyWord=" + keyWord.val(); } } }, '.keyBtn'); switch (formDomId) { case 'pageMySearch': formDom.on({ change: function () { formDom.find('.keyBtn').trigger('click'); } }, 'select[name="navtype"]'); break; } }); } }; /*网站的logo search shopCart 位置计算*/ wsf.hoffL = function () { var j = 0; var p = function (obj, t) { if (t == 'n') { if (obj.attr('data-l')) { j = wsf.f.s_j(obj.attr('data-l')); } } else { if (obj.attr('data-s')) { j = wsf.f.s_j(obj.attr('data-s')); } } }; var webNav = $('#web_nav'); var hcL = Math.floor(($("body").width() - userSiteWidth) / 2); if (webNav.length) { p(webNav, 'n'); if (j.p == 1 || j.p == 3) { webNav.css({ 'left': j.l + hcL }); } } }; /*固定定位行fixedRow*/ wsf.fixedRow = { fixedDom: null, getDom: function () { var that = this; that.fixedDom = $('div.fixedPublicModuleRow'); if(that.fixedDom.length){ wsf.pDom.htmlDom.on({ click: function(){ row = $(this).closest('.fixedPublicModuleRow'), id = row.attr('id'); if(row.attr('data-close')){ var chId = parseInt(wsf.pDom.bodyDom.data("chid")); if (!chId) { return false; } var positionRChIdList = {}, positionRChIds = readCookie(user_name+'_positionRChIds'); if (positionRChIds) { positionRChIdList = JSON.parse(positionRChIds); } positionRChIdList[chId] = new Date().getTime(); writeCookie(user_name+'_positionRChIds', JSON.stringify(positionRChIdList), 1000*24); } row.remove(); $('#fixedPublicModuleRowEmpty').remove(); that.fixedDom = null; } },'.fixedPublicModuleRow .rowCloseBtn'); } }, showFixedDom: function(s, h){ var that = this; if(that.fixedDom && that.fixedDom.length){ that.fixedDom.each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); dom.attr('data-fixedtop') * 1 <= s ? dom.show() : dom.hide(); }); } } }; //跑马灯模块方法 wsf.moveModule = function (obj) { obj ? (obj.attr('data-move') * 1 == 1 && obj.moveModule({ "axis": obj.attr('data-axis'), "speed": obj.attr('data-speed'), "type": obj.attr('data-type') })) : $('div.pic-text-list-module,div.text-list-module').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); dom.attr('data-move') * 1 == 1 && dom.moveModule({ "axis": dom.attr('data-axis'), "speed": dom.attr('data-speed'), "type": dom.attr('data-type') }); }); }; /* fixedShopcar 主要用来显示前台的浮动购物车,和里边的一些方法 */ wsf.fixedShopcar = function () { var fixedShopcar = $("#fixedShopcar"), shopcarAlert = fixedShopcar.find("div.shopcar-alert"), listBody = fixedShopcar.find("dd.shopcar-list-body"), listUl = listBody.find(".shopcar-list-ul"); listBody.cScroll({ w: 10, tbB: false }); fixedShopcar.on({ click: function () { var that = $(this); if (that.data("alertShow") == 1) { that.removeData("alertShow"); shopcarAlert.css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); } else { that.data("alertShow", 1); shopcarAlert.css({ 'visibility': 'visible' }); } } }, ".shopcar-icon"); fixedShopcar.on({ click: function () { fixedShopcar.find(".shopcar-icon").removeData("alertShow"); shopcarAlert.css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); } }, ".shopcar-alert-close"); listUl.on({ click: function () { var par = $(this).parent().parent(); par.animate({ height: 0, opacity: 0 }, 500, function () { $(this).remove(); if (listUl.height() > listBody.height()) { listBody.cScroll({ w: 10, tbB: false }); } else { listBody.cScroll({ w: 10, tbB: false }); listBody.find(".c-scrollbar").hide(); } }); } }, "span.span-option a"); }; /* focus-pic-module createDate:2015/04/02 模块内焦点图函数,主要是模块中的焦点图切换方法 */ wsf.focusPicModule = function (id) { var objArray = id ? $('#' + id).find('div.focus-pic-module') : $("div.focus-pic-module"); objArray.each(function () { var obj = $(this); var h = obj.parent().height(), w = obj.parent().width(), dd = obj.find("dd"), dl = obj.find("dl"), type = obj.data("type"), dir = obj.data("dir"), sum = dd.length, curi = 0, ni = curi + 1, times, move, fun; dl.css({ "width": w + "px", "height": h + "px", "overflow": "hidden" }); dd.css({ "width": w + "px", "height": h + "px" }); //判断设置的方向 (function () { var scss; switch (dir) { case 1: //left scss = { left: (w + 10) + "px", top: 0 }; break; case 2: //right scss = { left: -(w + 10) + "px", top: 0 }; break; case 3: //top scss = { top: (h + 10) + "px", left: 0 }; break; case 4: //bottom scss = { top: -(h + 10) + "px", left: 0 }; break; } dd.each(function () { var that = $(this); if (that.index() != curi) { that.css(scss); } else { that.css({ left: 0, top: 0 }); } }); })(); //判断设置的类型 if (sum > 1) { (function () { switch (type) { case 1: case 2: var controls = $('
    '); for (var s = 0; s < sum; s++) { var span; if (type == 1) { span = $('' + (s + 1) + ''); if (s === curi) { span = $('' + (s + 1) + ''); } } else if (type == 2) { span = $(''); if (s === curi) { span = $(''); } } controls.append(span); } obj.append(controls); fun = function (i) { obj.find(".focus-controls-list span:eq(" + i + ")").addClass("cur").siblings().removeClass("cur"); }; obj.on({ click: function () { var indexs = $(this).index(); if (indexs != curi) { if (!obj.data("move")) { move(indexs); } } } }, ".focus-controls-list span"); break; case 3: var nextBtn = $(''), prevBtn = $(''); obj.append(nextBtn, prevBtn); obj.on({ mouseenter: function () { var this_ = $(this); if (!this_.data("type3btn")) { obj.find(".focus-pic-next,.focus-pic-prev").css({ visibility: 'visible' }); this_.data("type3btn", 1); } }, mouseleave: function () { var this_ = $(this); if (this_.data("type3btn") == 1) { obj.find(".focus-pic-next,.focus-pic-prev").css({ visibility: 'hidden' }); this_.removeData("type3btn"); } } }); fun = function (i) { obj.find(".focus-pic-next").data("num", i + 1); obj.find(".focus-pic-prev").data("num", i - 1); }; fun(curi); obj.find(".focus-pic-next").on("click", function () { if (!obj.data("move")) { move($(this).data('num'), 1); } }); obj.find(".focus-pic-prev").on('click', function () { if (!obj.data("move")) { move($(this).data('num'), 2); } }); break; } })(); //移动函数 move = function (c, dir_) { var oldDir = dir; dir = dir_ || dir; if (c == sum) { c = 0; } if (c < 0) { c = sum - 1; } obj.data("move", 1); var chNum = function () { curi = c; ni = c + 1; obj.data("move", 0); }; if (dir == 1) { $(dd[c]).animate({ left: 0 }, 1000, function () { chNum(); }); $(dd[curi]).animate({ left: -w }, 1000, function () { $(this).css({ left: (w + 10) + "px" }); dir = oldDir; }); } if (dir == 2) { $(dd[c]).animate({ left: 0 }, 1000, function () { chNum(); }); $(dd[curi]).animate({ left: w }, 1000, function () { $(this).css({ left: -(w + 10) + "px" }); dir = oldDir; }); } if (dir == 3) { $(dd[c]).animate({ top: 0 }, 1000, function () { chNum(); }); $(dd[curi]).animate({ top: -(h + 10) }, 1000, function () { $(this).css({ top: (h + 10) + "px" }); }); } if (dir == 4) { $(dd[c]).animate({ top: 0 }, 1000, function () { chNum(); }); $(dd[curi]).animate({ top: h + 10 }, 1000, function () { $(this).css({ top: -(h + 10) + "px" }); }); } fun(c); }; var setTime = function () { times = setInterval(function () { move(ni); }, 5000); }; obj.on({ mouseenter: function () { clearInterval(times); }, mouseleave: function () { setTime(); } }); setTime(); } }); }; /* pic-text-list-module createDate:2015/07/20 changeDate:2016/12/20==>为了解决编辑状态下dom更新后不能用的问题。 文本列表,图文信息列表模块的方法 */ wsf.textListModule = function (obj) { var fun = function (t) { if (!t.data('bindevent')) { t.on({ mouseenter: function () { $(this).addClass("liHover"); }, mouseleave: function () { $(this).removeClass("liHover"); } }, 'li'); (t.hasClass('text-list-module') || t.hasClass('pic-text-list-module')) && (function(){ var page = t.siblings('.page:first'), mId = t.closest('div.Mo').attr('id').substr(3); if(page.length && page.data('page')){ var data = page.data(); page.pagination({ skin: data.skin, //皮肤 mId: mId, dataTotal: data.total,//数据总数 pageDataNum: data.pagedatanum,//每页数据数 curPage: data.curpage,//当前页 pageGroups: data.pagegroups,//显示页码的个数 callBack: function(config){ $.ajax({ 'url': '/ajax_tj.php?username='+user_name+'&module_id='+mId+'&page='+config.curPage+'&is_page=1', type: "POST", async: false, cache: false, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if(data.success){ if(t.hasClass('pic-text-list-module')){ t.find('ul').html(data.html); wsf.interactFun_(t); }else if(t.hasClass('text-list-module')){ t.find('ol').html(data.html); } wsf.pDom.htmlDom.animate({scrollTop: Math.min(wsf.pDom.htmlDom.scrollTop(), t.closest('.customModuleRow').offset().top)}); wsf.pDom.bodyDom.animate({scrollTop: Math.min(wsf.pDom.bodyDom.scrollTop(), t.closest('.customModuleRow').offset().top)}); t.find('.lazy-loading').each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); var oImage = new Image(); oImage.onload = function () { dom.attr('src', this.src).addClass('lazy-loading-animate'); setTimeout(function(){ dom.removeClass('lazy-loading lazy-loading-animate'); }, 1000); }; oImage.src = dom.attr('data-original-src'); }); } if(data.docIds){ GData.docSysIds = data.docIds; GData.SMAlbumSysIds = GData.SMAlbumIds=''; wsf.albumsDataLoad(); } } }); } }); } }()); t.hasClass('ev-albums-module') && t.on({ mouseenter: function () { $(this).addClass("hover"); }, mouseleave: function () { $(this).removeClass("hover"); } }, '.image-inner'); t.data('bindevent', 1); } }; obj ? fun(obj) : $("div.text-list-module,div.pic-text-list-module,div.ev-albums-module").each(function () { fun($(this)); }); }; /*列表页25的js效果*/ wsf.picTextList_changePic = function () { /* 更换图片效果 */ $('div.b-listpage-pic-text-list-3').on({ click: function () { var t = $(this), src = t.find('img').attr('src'), lip = t.parents('li'), picimg = lip.find(".pics img"); picimg.attr('src', src); t.addClass('pl-list-dd-cur').siblings().removeClass('pl-list-dd-cur'); } }, '.pl-small-pic-list .pl-list-dd'); /*显示隐藏收藏*/ $('div.b-listpage-pic-text-list-3').on({ mouseenter: function () { var t = $(this), plCollect = t.find(".pl-collect"); plCollect.animate({ right: 0 }, 100); }, mouseleave: function () { var t = $(this), plCollect = t.find(".pl-collect"); plCollect.animate({ right: -100 }, 100); } }, '.pics'); $('div.b-listpage-pic-text-list-3, .collect_p').on({ click: function (ev) { var t = $(this), div = t.children('div'); var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date()); var url = '/dom/user_collect_add.php?timestamp=' + timestamp; var is_detail = t.data("detail"); var data = { 'title': t.data("name"), 'type': t.data("type"), 'doc_id': t.data("id"), 'channel_id': t.data("chid"), 'username': user_name, 'wap': 0 }; $.ajax({ 'url': url, type: "POST", async: false, cache: false, data: data, success: function (data) { if (data == 1) { //`div.attr('class','no-collect').find("b").text('收藏'); div.attr('class', 'yes-collect').find("b").text($weisiteLa.YiShouCang); wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShouCangChengGongGeRenZhongXinKan, 2); } else if (data == 2) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShouCangShiBaiMeiDengLuChongXinShouCang, 0); window.location.href = "/dom/denglu.php?username=" + user_name; return false; } else if (data == 3) { if (is_detail) { div.attr('class', 'no-collect').find("b").text($weisiteLa.ShouCang); wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.QuXiaoShouCangChengGong, 0); } else { div.attr('class', 'yes-collect').find("b").text($weisiteLa.YiShouCang); wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShouCangGuoGeRenZhongXinKan, 0); } return false; } else if (data == 4) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.CanShuCuoWu, 0); return false; } } }); return false; } }, '.pl-collect'); }; /* 交互动画的json对象 */ wsf.interactJ = { a_1: { typeJ: { t_1: 'int-onlyimg-larger', t_2: 'int-onlyimg-small', t_3: 'int-onlyimg-move-left', t_4: 'int-onlyimg-move-right', t_5: 'int-onlyimg-move-top', t_6: 'int-onlyimg-move-down', t_7: 'int-onlyimg-rotate-left', t_8: 'int-onlyimg-rotate-right' }, aClass: 'int-dom', addDom: function (obj, j) { obj.addClass(this.aClass + ' ' + this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]); } }, a_2: { typeJ: { t_1: 'int-bigglass-fade', t_2: 'int-bigglass-magnify', t_3: 'int-bigglass-shrink', t_4: 'int-bigglass-slide-left', t_5: 'int-bigglass-slide-right', t_6: 'int-bigglass-slide-up', t_7: 'int-bigglass-slide-down' }, aClass: 'int-dom', addDom: function (obj, j) { obj.addClass(this.aClass + ' ' + this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]); if (this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]) { var domhtml = '
    '; obj.append(domhtml); } } }, a_3: { typeJ: { t_1: 'int-changeimg-fade', t_2: 'int-changeimg-magnify', t_3: 'int-changeimg-shrink', t_4: 'int-changeimg-slide-left', t_5: 'int-changeimg-slide-right', t_6: 'int-changeimg-slide-up', t_7: 'int-changeimg-slide-down', t_8: 'int-changeimg-slide-leftup', t_9: 'int-changeimg-slide-rightup', t_10: 'int-changeimg-slide-leftdown', t_11: 'int-changeimg-slide-rightdown', t_12: 'int-changeimg-push-left', t_13: 'int-changeimg-push-right', t_14: 'int-changeimg-push-up', t_15: 'int-changeimg-push-down', t_16: 'int-changeimg-hinge-left', t_17: 'int-changeimg-hinge-right', t_18: 'int-changeimg-hinge-up', t_19: 'int-changeimg-hinge-down', t_20: 'int-changeimg-flip-horiz', t_21: 'int-changeimg-flip-vert', t_22: 'int-changeimg-flip-diag-l', t_23: 'int-changeimg-flip-diag-r', t_24: 'int-changeimg-shutter-out-horiz', t_25: 'int-changeimg-shutter-out-vert', t_26: 'int-changeimg-shutter-out-diag-l', t_27: 'int-changeimg-shutter-out-diag-r' }, aClass: 'int-dom', addDom: function (obj, j) { obj.addClass(this.aClass + ' ' + this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]); if (this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]) { var nImgUrl = obj.data('nimgurl'); var domhtml = '
    '; obj.append(domhtml); } } }, a_4: { typeJ: { t_1: 'int-showAttr-fade', t_2: 'int-showAttr-magnify', t_3: 'int-showAttr-shrink', t_4: 'int-showAttr-slide-left', t_5: 'int-showAttr-slide-right', t_6: 'int-showAttr-slide-up', t_7: 'int-showAttr-slide-down', t_8: 'int-showAttr-slide-leftup', t_9: 'int-showAttr-slide-rightup', t_10: 'int-showAttr-slide-leftdown', t_11: 'int-showAttr-slide-rightdown', t_12: 'int-showAttr-hinge-left', t_13: 'int-showAttr-hinge-right', t_14: 'int-showAttr-hinge-up', t_15: 'int-showAttr-hinge-down', t_16: 'int-showAttr-shutter-out-horiz', t_17: 'int-showAttr-shutter-out-vert', t_18: 'int-showAttr-shutter-out-diag-l', t_19: 'int-showAttr-shutter-out-diag-r' }, aClass: 'int-dom', addDom: function (obj, j) { obj.addClass(this.aClass + ' ' + this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]); if (this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]) { var ntitle = obj.data('ntitle'), nintro = obj.data('nintro'), picH = obj.height(); ntitle = ntitle ? ntitle : '这是标题'; nintro = nintro ? nintro : '这是介绍'; var domhtml = $('

    ' + ntitle + '

    ' + nintro + '

    '); obj.append(domhtml); var showAttr = domhtml.find('.figcaption'), attrH = showAttr.height(), attrT = (picH - attrH) / 2; showAttr.css({ top: attrT + 'px' }); } } }, a_5: { typeJ: { t_1: 'int-showTitle-fade', t_2: 'int-showTitle-magnify', t_3: 'int-showTitle-shrink', t_4: 'int-showTitle-slide-left', t_5: 'int-showTitle-slide-right', t_6: 'int-showTitle-slide-up', t_7: 'int-showTitle-slide-down', t_8: 'int-showTitle-slide-leftup', t_9: 'int-showTitle-slide-rightup', t_10: 'int-showTitle-slide-leftdown', t_11: 'int-showTitle-slide-rightdown', t_12: 'int-showTitle-shutter-out-horiz', t_13: 'int-showTitle-shutter-out-vert' }, aClass: 'int-dom', addDom: function (obj, j) { obj.addClass(this.aClass + ' ' + this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]); if (this.typeJ['t_' + j.t]) { var ntitle = obj.data('ntitle'); ntitle = ntitle ? ntitle : '这是标题'; var domhtml = '

    ' + ntitle + '

    '; obj.append(domhtml); } } } }; /* 交互动画的方法 */ wsf.interactFun = function () { var picTextListModule = $("div.pic-text-list-module"), picTextModule = $("div.pic-text-module"), picModule = $('div.pic-module'), evPicModule = $('div.ev-pic'); /* 图文信息,橱窗的图片交互 */ picTextListModule.each(function () { var that = $(this), interact = that.data('interact'); interact = interact ? wsf.f.s_j(interact) : interact; if (interact) { if (wsf.interactJ['a_' + interact.a]) { that.find("li").each(function () { var t = $(this), pic = t.find('.pic'); wsf.interactJ['a_' + interact.a].addDom(pic, interact); }); } } }); /* 图文混排的图片交互 */ picTextModule.each(function () { var that = $(this), interact = that.data('interact'); interact = interact ? wsf.f.s_j(interact) : interact; if (interact) { if (wsf.interactJ['a_' + interact.a]) { var pic = that.find('.pic'); wsf.interactJ['a_' + interact.a].addDom(pic, interact); } } }); /* 单张图片交互 */ picModule.each(function () { var that = $(this), interact = that.data('interact'); interact = interact ? wsf.f.s_j(interact) : interact; if (interact) { if (wsf.interactJ['a_' + interact.a]) { var pic = that.find('.pic'); wsf.interactJ['a_' + interact.a].addDom(pic, interact); } } }); }; /* 交互动画类型4的属性居中方法 */ wsf.interactFun_ = function (obj) { var fun = function (t) { t = $(t); var figcaption = t.find('.figcaption'), top_ = ((t.parent().parent().hasClass('pic-module') ? t.closest('.MoBodyC').height() : t.height()) - figcaption.height()) / 2; figcaption.css({ top: top_ + 'px' }); }; if(obj && obj.length){ obj.find('.pic[class*="int-showAttr-"]').each(function (i, d) { fun(d); }); }else{ $('.pic[class*="int-showAttr-"]').each(function (i, d) { fun(d); }); $('.ev-pic[class*="int-showAttr-"]').each(function (i, d) { fun(d); }); } }; /* catalogList 树形分类目录,主要用于模块的分类目录js,包括上下移动 */ wsf.catalogList = function (obj_) { var catalogH = function (obj) { var oneDl = obj.children("dl.oneClassList"); if (obj.height() < oneDl.height() || parseInt(oneDl.css("margin-top"), 10) < 0) { obj.find("big.but").show(); } else { obj.find("big.but").hide(); } }, move = function (obj, dir) { var oneDl = obj.find("dl.oneClassList"), t_h = obj.height(), dl_t = Math.abs(parseInt(oneDl.css("margin-top"), 10)), dl_sh = oneDl.height() - dl_t, judge; if (dir == 'up') { judge = (dl_sh - t_h) > 0 ? true : false; } else if (dir == 'down') { judge = dl_t > 0 ? true : false; t_h = -t_h; } if (judge) { if (oneDl.data('moving') != 1) { oneDl.data('moving', 1); oneDl.animate({ marginTop: -(dl_t + t_h / 3) }, 500, function () { oneDl.removeData('moving', 1); }); } } }, fun = function (t) { if (!t.data('bindevent')) { if (!t.hasClass('sidebarLists')) { t.css({ height: t.parent().height() + "px", width: t.parent().width() + "px" }); } //给类别绑定展开闭合子类事件 t.on({ click: function () { var this_ = $(this), pDt = this_.closest('dt'), num; if (pDt.hasClass('oneClassT')) { num = 'one'; } else if (pDt.hasClass('twoClassT')) { num = 'two'; } else if (pDt.hasClass('threeClassT')) { num = 'three'; } if (this_.hasClass('open')) { pDt.removeClass(num + 'ClassTopen').next("dd").removeClass(num + 'ClassCopen'); this_.removeClass("open"); } else { pDt.addClass(num + 'ClassTopen').next("dd").addClass(num + 'ClassCopen'); this_.addClass("open"); } if (!t.hasClass('sidebarLists')) { catalogH(t); } return false; } }, "dt code"); t.on({ click: function (ev) { var tagname = ev.target.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(), $this = $(this); if (tagname != 'code') { if (tagname == 'a') { if ($this.attr('href') != '#' && $this.attr('href') != '###') { return true; } else { $(this).closest('dt').find('code').trigger('click'); return false; } } else { $(this).closest('dt').find('code').trigger('click'); } } } }, 'dt *'); t.on({ mouseenter: function () { var pDt = $(this); if (pDt.hasClass('oneClassT')) { num = 'one'; } else if (pDt.hasClass('twoClassT')) { num = 'two'; } else if (pDt.hasClass('threeClassT')) { num = 'three'; } pDt.addClass(num + 'ClassThover'); }, mouseleave: function () { var pDt = $(this); if (pDt.hasClass('oneClassT')) { num = 'one'; } else if (pDt.hasClass('twoClassT')) { num = 'two'; } else if (pDt.hasClass('threeClassT')) { num = 'three'; } pDt.removeClass(num + 'ClassThover'); } }, "dt"); if (!t.hasClass('sidebarLists')) { // 给上下按钮绑定事件 t.on({ click: function () { if ($(this).hasClass('upBut')) { move(t, 'down'); } else if ($(this).hasClass('downBut')) { move(t, 'up'); } } }, "big.but"); // 给元素本身绑定事件 t.on({ mouseenter: function () { var this_ = $(this), dl = this_.find("dl.oneClassList"), dl_h = dl.height(), t_h = this_.height(); if (dl_h > t_h || parseInt(dl.css("margin-top"), 10) < 0) { this_.find("big.but").show(); } }, mouseleave: function () { $(this).find("big.but").hide(); } }); } t.data('bindevent', 1); } }; if (obj_) { fun(obj_); } else { $("div.catalogList").each(function () { fun($(this)); }); } }; /* menu-catalog-module 抽屉型分类目录主要用来展示更多分类 */ wsf.menuCatalogModule = function (obj_) { var fun = function (that) { if (!that.data('bindevent')) { var menuCatalog = that, Mo = menuCatalog.parents("div.Mo"), MoId = Mo.attr("id"), catalog = $("#menuCatalogMore_" + MoId.substr(3)), leveObj, hideTimeFun, moreInner = catalog.find(".catalog-more-inner"), gap = catalog.find("big.gap"), hideCatalog = function () { hideTimeFun = setTimeout(function () { leveObj.removeClass('one-class-hover').data('h', 0); catalog.css("width", 0).data('visible', 0); }, 500); }; catalog.on({ mouseenter: function () { clearTimeout(hideTimeFun); }, mouseleave: function () { hideCatalog(); } }); menuCatalog.on({ mouseenter: function () { }, mouseleave: function () { hideCatalog(); } }); menuCatalog.on({ mouseenter: function () { var tObj = $(this); clearTimeout(hideTimeFun); leveObj = tObj.parent(); if (!leveObj.data('h')) { leveObj.addClass("one-class-hover").data('h', 1).siblings('dd.one-class-hover').removeClass('one-class-hover').data('h', 0); var indexs = leveObj.index(), that_t = leveObj.position().top, that_h = leveObj.outerHeight(), inner_mt = parseInt(tObj.css("margin-top")), inner_tbw = parseInt(tObj.css("borderTopWidth")), inner_bbw = parseInt(tObj.css("borderBottomWidth")), inner_h = tObj.innerHeight(), l = menuCatalog.offset().left, t = menuCatalog.offset().top, gap_h = inner_h, gap_t = that_t + inner_tbw + inner_mt, moreList = catalog.find(".catalog-more-list:eq(" + indexs + ")"); l = l + menuCatalog.width() - 2; gap.css({ height: gap_h + "px", top: gap_t + "px" }); moreList.siblings().hide(); if (moreList.find("dl").length >= 1) { moreList.show(); catalog.css({ visibility: 'visible' }); } else { catalog.css({ visibility: 'hidden' }); } moreInner.css({ minHeight: gap_h + "px", marginTop: that_t + inner_mt + 'px' }); catalog.css({ left: l + "px", top: t + "px" }); if (!catalog.data('visible')) { catalog.animate({ width: moreInner.outerWidth() }, 200, function () { catalog.css({ width: "auto" }); }); catalog.data('visible', 1); } } }, mouseleave: function () { //$(this).removeClass("one-class-hover"); } }, ".one-class-inner"); menuCatalog.data('bindevent', 1); } }; if (obj_) { fun(obj_); } else { $("div.menu-catalog-module").each(function () { fun($(this)); }); } }; /* tableModule createDate:2015/05/11 用来给表格添加class */ wsf.tableModule = function () { var tableModule = $('div.tableModule'); tableModule.each(function () { $(this).find('tr:first').addClass('trHead'); }); }; /* tab-switch-module createDate:2015/03/24 模块标签项切换功能,现在主要用在最终页的标签切换 */ wsf.tabSwitchModule = function () { var tabSwitch = $("div.tab-switch-module"); if(tabSwitch.length){ tabSwitch.each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); var tabT = dom.find("div.tab-switch-t").filter(':first'), tabCItem = dom.find("div.tab-switch-c .tab-c-item"); tabT.on({ click: function () { if (tabT.data('noswitch') != 1) { var that = $(this), indexs = that.index(); that.find("span").addClass("active"); that.siblings("li").find("span").removeClass("active"); tabCItem.each(function (i, itemDom) { itemDom = $(itemDom); i === indexs ? itemDom.addClass("tab-c-item-active") : itemDom.removeClass("tab-c-item-active"); }); } } }, "li"); }); } }; /* form-module createDate:2017/09/20 表单模块方法 */ wsf.formModule = { defaultValVerify: function (formModule) { formModule = formModule || $('div.form-module'); formModule.each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); dom.on('blur focus', 'input[type="text"],textarea', function (event) { if(!('placeholder' in document.createElement('input'))){ var $this = $(this), defaultVal = $this.attr('data-defaultval'), changeVal = $this.val(); switch (event.type) { case 'focusout': (!changeVal || changeVal == defaultVal) && $this.val(defaultVal); break; case 'focusin': (changeVal == defaultVal) && $this.val(''); break; } } }); dom.on({ click:function(){ } },'input[type="submit"]'); }); }, submit_verify: function (formModule, j) { formModule = formModule || $('div.form-module from'); formModule.find('input[type="button"]').removeAttr('onclick'); formModule.validationEngine('attach', { promptPosition: 'bottomLeft' }); var formId = formModule.attr('id'), moId = formModule.closest('.Mo').attr('id'), message = null; if(j){ $.each(j, function(i, v){ if(v['MId'] == formId.substring(10)){ message = v; } }); } formModule.on({ click: function(){ if(message.msg){ alert(decodeHtmlEntity(message.msg)); }else{ var $this = $(this); if(formModule.validationEngine("validate")){ // 判断是否显示图案验证 0表示显示,1表示不显示 if(!(message.showVerification*1)){ if(!tncode_div){ tncode.init('MessageBut',1); tncode_div =true; }else{ tncode.show(); } $TN.onsuccess(function(){ formModule.append(''); formModule.find('input[name="isSubmit"]').val(1); formModule.submit(); $this.closest('.form-button').html('' + message.SubmitMsg + '...'); }); }else{ formModule.find('input[name="isSubmit"]').val(1); formModule.submit(); } } } } }, 'input[type="button"]'); } }; // 自由编辑模块 wsf.customEditModule = function () { var customEditModule = $('div.custom-edit-module').each(function () { var t = $(this), tp = t.parent(); t.css({ height: tp.height() }); }); }; /* video-module createDate:2017/11/01 视频模块的方法 */ wsf.videoModule = function (obj) { var fun = function (dom) { new chplayer({ container: '#' + dom.attr('id'), variable: 'player', autoplay: false, poster: dom.attr('data-pic'), //封面图片地址 video: dom.attr('data-url') }); }; obj ? fun(obj) : $("div.video-module").each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); if(dom.css('visibility') !== 'hidden'){ fun(dom); } }); }; /** * baidu map init * * @param id * @param x * @param y * @param content */ wsf.baiduInit = function (id, x, y, content) { var map; var marker; map = new BMap.Map("container_" + id); if (user_name == 'samui') { x = 99.997234; y = 9.501727; var point = new BMap.Point(x, y); map.centerAndZoom(point, 14); } else { var point = new BMap.Point(x, y); map.centerAndZoom(point, 15); } map.disableDoubleClickZoom(); var navCtrl = new BMap.NavigationControl({ type: BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_ZOOM }); map.addControl(navCtrl); marker = new BMap.Marker(point); map.addOverlay(marker); var kh_content = content; kh_content = $.trim(kh_content); if (kh_content) { var args = { width: 100, height: 60, title: "", enableAutoPan: false }; var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(kh_content, args); marker.openInfoWindow(infoWindow); } map.addEventListener("click", function (e) { if (kh_content) { var args = { width: 100, height: 60, title: "", enableAutoPan: false }; var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(kh_content, args); marker.openInfoWindow(infoWindow); } }); }; /** * chart init * * @param type * @param id * @param start * @param end * @param step */ wsf.chartInit = function (type, id, start, end, step, data) { var chartDiv = $('#chartDiv' + id); if(chartDiv.is(':visible') && !chartDiv.data('loaddata')){ chartDiv.html(''); var chart = {}; type = parseInt(type); if (type === 3) { chart = new dhtmlXChart({ view: "line", container: "chartDiv" + id, value: "#value#", item: { borderColor: "#1293f8", color: "#ffffff" }, line: { color: "#1293f8", width: 3 }, xAxis: { template: "#title#" }, offset: 0, yAxis: { start: start, end: end, step: step, template: function (obj) { return obj; } } }); } else if (type === 2) { chart = new dhtmlXChart({ view: "pie", container: "chartDiv" + id, value: "#value#", label: "#title#", pieInnerText: "#value#", shadow: 0, legend: { width: 75, align: "right", valign: "middle", template: "#title#" } }); } else { chart = new dhtmlXChart({ view: "bar", container: "chartDiv" + id, value: "#value#", radius: 0, border: true, xAxis: { template: "#title#" }, yAxis: { start: start, end: end, step: step, template: function (obj) { return obj; } } }); } chart.parse(data, "json"); chartDiv.data('loaddata',1); } }; /* row-classify-module createDate:2015/08/16 横向产品分类列表模块的方法 */ wsf.classifyModule = function () { var classifyModule = $("div.classify-module"); if(classifyModule.length){ var classList = ['classify-hover','pic-classify-hover']; classifyModule.on({ 'mouseenter mouseleave': function (ev) { var $this = $(this),curClass = ''; switch(true){ case $this.hasClass('big-classify'): case $this.hasClass('small-classify'): curClass = classList[0]; break; case $this.hasClass('small-pic-classify'): curClass = classList[1]; break; } ev.type === 'mouseenter' ? $this.addClass(curClass) : $this.removeClass(curClass); } }, ".big-classify,.small-classify,.small-pic-classify"); classifyModule.on('click', '.open-close-btn', function(){ var $this = $(this), action = $this.data('action'); if(action === 'open'){ $this.closest('.small-classify-wrap').addClass('open-state'); $this.data('action', 'close'); }else{ $this.closest('.small-classify-wrap').removeClass('open-state'); $this.data('action', 'open'); } }); } }; /*选择列表*/ wsf.selectState = function () { $("#filterSort").on({ mouseenter: function () { $(this).addClass("select-state-hover"); }, mouseleave: function () { $(this).removeClass('select-state-hover'); } }, ".select-state"); }; /* manual-move-module createDate:2017/08/16 手动移动模块 */ wsf.manualMoveModule = function (obj) { var manual; manual = obj ? obj : $("div.manual-move-module"); manual.each(function () { var t = $(this), li = t.find('li'), liNum = li.length, liW = li.outerWidth(), ulP = t.find(".pic-text-list-module"); li.width(liW); ulP.width(liW * liNum).height(li.outerHeight()); }); manual.on({ click: function () { var t = $(this), id = t.data('id'), obj = t.parent(); moveFun(id, obj); } }, 'em.prev-move,em.next-move'); manual.on({ mouseenter: function () { var t = $(this); t.find('em.prev-move,em.next-move').css('visibility', 'visible'); }, mouseleave: function () { var t = $(this); t.find('em.prev-move,em.next-move').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } }); var moveFun = function (dir, obj) { var curManual = obj, list = curManual.find('.manual-move-body'), ulP = curManual.find(".pic-text-list-module"), li = ulP.find('li'), liNum = li.length, liWidth = li.outerWidth(), showNum = Math.floor((list.width()) / liWidth), ulPW = ulP.width(), ulPLeft = Math.abs(parseInt(ulP.css('margin-left'))), move = showNum * liWidth, newMove = ulPW - (ulPLeft + move), nowMove; if (curManual.data('move') == 1) return false; curManual.data('move', 1); if (dir == 'next') { if (newMove > 0 && newMove > move) { nowMove = move; } else { nowMove = newMove; } if (ulPW > move) { ulP.animate({ "marginLeft": "-=" + nowMove }, 500, function () { curManual.removeData('move'); }); } } else { nowMove = ulPLeft > move ? move : ulPLeft; ulP.animate({ "marginLeft": "+=" + nowMove }, 500, function () { curManual.removeData('move'); }); } }; }; /* absolute-menu-catalog createDate:2016/08/16 商城分类模块 */ wsf.absoluteModuleWrapBind = function () { var absMoInner = $("#absolute_module_inner"); absMoInner.on({ mouseenter: function () { var t = $(this); if (t.hasClass('absolute-menu-catalog')) { wsf.absoluteMenuCatalog(); } } }, '.absolute-module'); }; wsf.absoluteMenuCatalog = function () { var menuCatalog = $('div.absolute-menu-catalog'); if (menuCatalog.length > 0) { menuCatalog.each(function () { var t = $(this); if (!t.data('bindevent')) { var open = t.data('open'), amc = t.find('.a-m-c'), mch = t.find('.m-c-h'), mcb = t.find('.m-c-b'), mcm = t.find('.m-c-m'), gap = mcm.find('.gap'); t.on({ mouseleave: function () { if (!open) { amc.removeClass('a-m-c-open'); mch.removeClass('m-c-h-open'); } if (mcm.data('open')) { mcm.data('open', 0).css({ display: 'none' }); } mcb.find('.o-l-e').each(function () { var ot = $(this); if (ot.data('open')) { ot.removeClass('o-l-e-open').data('open', 0); var tNimg = ot.find('.o-l-h-n img'); tNimg.attr('src', tNimg.data('src')); } }); } }); t.on({ mouseenter: function () { if (!open) { amc.addClass('a-m-c-open'); mch.addClass('m-c-h-open'); } } }, '.m-c-h-i'); t.on({ mouseenter: function () { var that = $(this), o_openId = that.data('id'), tagOpen = 0; if (!that.data('open')) { /*更换小图标地址*/ that.addClass('o-l-e-open').data('open', 1); var tNimg = that.find('.o-l-h-n img'), thatSib = that.siblings('.o-l-e-open'), sibNimg = thatSib.find('.o-l-h-n img'); tNimg.attr('src', tNimg.data('hsrc')); thatSib.removeClass('o-l-e-open').data('open', 0); sibNimg.attr('src', sibNimg.data('src')); var oleiBTW = parseInt(that.find('.o-l-e-i').css('borderTopWidth')), tHeight = that.find('.o-l-e-i').height(), mcmiBTW = parseInt(mcm.find('.m-c-m-i').css('borderTopWidth')), tTop = that.position().top - mch.height(); oleiBTW = (isNaN(oleiBTW) ? 0 : oleiBTW); mcmiBTW = (isNaN(mcmiBTW) ? 0 : mcmiBTW); gap.css({ height: tHeight + 'px', top: (tTop + oleiBTW) + 'px' }); if (t.data('mcmfixed')) { mcm.find('.m-c-m-i').css({ 'margin-top': (tTop - mcmiBTW) + 'px' }); } mcm.find('.m-c-m-e').each(function () { var iThis = $(this), m_openId = iThis.data('id'); if (m_openId == o_openId) { iThis.addClass('m-c-m-e-open'); tagOpen = 1; } else { iThis.removeClass('m-c-m-e-open'); } }); if (tagOpen == 1) { if (mcm.data('open') != 1) { mcm.css({ display: 'block', visibility: 'hidden' }); var macT = mch.height(), mcmW = mcm.width(), mcbiBRW = parseInt(mcb.find('.m-c-b-i').css('border-right-width')), mcmiBRW = parseInt(mcm.find('.m-c-m-i').css('border-left-width')), mcmL = mcb.width() - (isNaN(mcbiBRW) ? 0 : mcbiBRW) - (isNaN(mcmiBRW) ? 0 : mcmiBRW); mcm.css({ visibility: 'visible', width: 0, left: mcmL + 'px', top: macT + 'px' }); mcm.animate({ width: mcmW }, 200).data('open', 1); } } else { mcm.css({ display: 'none' }).data('open', 0); } } } }, '.o-l-e'); t.data('bindevent', 1); } }); } }; /* ev-tab-container createDate:2017/09/24 新模块标签项切换功能 */ wsf.evTabContent = { swtichFun: function (targetDom) { var that = this, CModulePA = targetDom.closest('.CModulePA'), evModuleEditBox = targetDom.find('.ev-module-edit-box:first'); if (!evModuleEditBox.hasClass('ev-tab-active')) { var groupmark = targetDom.attr('data-groupmark'), tabmark = targetDom.attr('data-tabmark'); evModuleEditBox.addClass('ev-tab-active'); CModulePA.children('.ev-module-edit.ev-tab-container-one').not(targetDom).each(function (i, curDom) { curDom = $(curDom); curDom.attr('data-groupmark') === groupmark && curDom.find('.ev-module-edit-box:first').removeClass('ev-tab-active'); }); CModulePA.children('.ev-tab-container-two').each(function (i, curDom) { curDom = $(curDom); if (curDom.attr('data-groupmark') === groupmark) { curDom.hasClass('ev-tab-active') && curDom.addClass('none').removeClass('ev-tab-active'); if (curDom.attr('data-tabmark') === tabmark) { curDom.removeClass('none').addClass('ev-tab-active'); var dom = curDom.find('.ev-module-edit-box:first'); if (dom.data('animate-name')) { wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(dom); }else{ dom.find('.ev-module-edit-box,.customModule').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); if(dom.hasClass('ev-module-edit-box')){ wsf.f.progressLoading(dom); } // 关于视频的加载 dom.hasClass('customModule') && (function(){ var videoModule = dom.find('div.video-module'); if(videoModule.length){ wsf.videoModule(videoModule); } })(); if(dom.data('animate-name')){ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(dom); }else{ wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(dom); } }); } } } }); } }, loadBind: function(){ var that = this; wsf.pDom.bodyDom.on({ 'mouseenter.tabSwitch': function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('data-trigger') === 'mouseenter') { that.swtichFun($this); } }, 'click.tabSwitch': function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('data-trigger') === 'click') { that.swtichFun($this); } }, 'mouseleave.tabSwitch': function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('data-trigger') === 'mouseenter') { // that.swtichFun($this, 'leave'); } } }, '.ev-tab-container-one'); } }; /*弹出层行的js*/ wsf.evAlertRow = { rowDom: null, writeStyle: function (cSId, styleArray) { var cSh = ""; $.each(styleArray, function(i, v){ $.each(v, function(key, v_){ cSh += v_; }); }); $("head").append(""); }, alertJson: {}, upMocon: function(curAlertDom, data){ curAlertDom.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var id = null, z = null; if (dom.hasClass('customModule')) { //收藏点赞绑定事件功能 id = dom.children('.Mo').attr('id'); z = wsf.f.s_j(dom.attr('data-attr')).z; var moduleData = wsf.f.s_j(dom.attr('data-attr')); (function () { if (moduleData.mt == 21) { CatalogMore = 1; var menuCatalogMoreModule = $('#menuCatalogMoreModule'); !menuCatalogMoreModule.length && (menuCatalogMoreModule = $('').appendTo($('body'))); menuCatalogMoreModule.append(data.typeOtherHtml); } if(moduleData.mt == 8){ userUserLoginInfo(); } })(); if(moduleData.mt == 7){ wsf.f.upJsFun(dom, data.MFormData); }else{ wsf.f.upJsFun(dom); } } else { wsf.f.upJsFun(dom); } if (data.jsData) { wsf.queryMJsEffect(data.jsData); } }); }, showAlert: function (alertId, openType) {//显示弹窗函数 var that = this, jsonCurDom = null, url = null, parWin = window.parent || null; that.rowDom.is(':hidden') && that.rowDom.show(); jsonCurDom = that.alertJson[alertId], setTimFun = function(jsonCurDom){//延迟动画加载函数 setTimeout(function () { var curDom = jsonCurDom[0], curDomEditBox = curDom.find('div.ev-module-edit-box:first'), aDelay = 0,aDuration = 0, timeout; that.rowDom.is(':hidden') && that.rowDom.show(); jsonCurDom[0].removeClass('none'); that.rowDom.append(jsonCurDom[1].removeClass('none')); if (curDomEditBox.data('animate-name')) { wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(curDomEditBox); }else{ curDomEditBox.find('.ev-module-edit,.customModule').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); wsf.f.upJsFun(dom); if(dom.hasClass('customModule')){ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(dom); }else{ var curDomEditBox = dom.find('div.ev-module-edit-box:first'); if(curDomEditBox.data('animate-name')){ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo(curDomEditBox); } } wsf.f.imgLazyLoading(dom); }); } }, openType === 'load' ? jsonCurDom[0].attr('data-opendelay') * 1000 : 0); }; if (!jsonCurDom) { $.get('/Ajax/TJIndex.php?type=8&username=' + user_name + '&tab_id=' + alertId + '&ch_id=' + GData.allChId + (is_action ? '&is_design=1' : ''), function (data) { if(data.success * 1){ var loadFun = function(){ jsonCurDom = that.alertJson[alertId] = [$(data.html.replace(/\\'/g,"'")), $('
    ')]; that.rowDom.find('.CModulePA').append(jsonCurDom[0]); //回显点赞,收藏方法 if(data.docSysIds || data.SMAlbumSysIds || data.SMAlbumIds){ GData.docSysIds = GData.SMAlbumSysIds = GData.SMAlbumIds = ''; data.docSysIds && (GData.docSysIds = data.docSysIds); data.SMAlbumSysIds && (GData.SMAlbumSysIds = data.SMAlbumSysIds); data.SMAlbumIds && (GData.SMAlbumIds = data.SMAlbumIds); wsf.albumsDataLoad(); } if(jsonCurDom[0].attr('data-positiontype') * 1){ wsf.f.positionShow(jsonCurDom[0], jsonCurDom[0].attr('data-position') - 1); }else{ jsonCurDom[0].css({ left: Math.floor(jsonCurDom[0].attr('data-lshifting') * 1 + (wsf.pDom.bodyDom.width() - userSiteWidth) / 2) + 'px', top: jsonCurDom[0].attr('data-tshifting') + 'px' }); } that.upMocon(jsonCurDom[0], data); setTimFun(jsonCurDom); if(!is_action){ wsf.evAlertRow.writeStyle(alertId, [data.Mstyle, data.SMstyle]); } }; if(data.MShowStyleList[13] || data.MShowStyleList[12] || data.MShowStyleList[9] || data.MShowStyleList[7]){ var whenArray = []; if(data.MShowStyleList[12] && typeof(BMap) === 'undefined'){ whenArray.push($.getScript('//api.map.baidu.com/getscript?v=2.0&ak=l3M8jnzdfgKoAB0uG2YAFIaoyHukxQ7a&services=&t=20180823194355')); } if(data.MShowStyleList[13] && typeof(dhtmlXChart) === 'undefined'){ whenArray.push($.getScript(ALIYUN_OSS_DOMAIN + 'plugins/public/dhtmlxChart/dhtmlxchart.min.js')); } if(data.MShowStyleList[9] && typeof(chplayer) === 'undefined'){ whenArray.push($.ajax({ dataType:'script', scriptCharset:'utf-8', url:ALIYUN_OSS_DOMAIN + 'plugins/public/js/chplayer/chplayer.min.js' })); } if(data.MShowStyleList[7]){ if(typeof(tncode) === 'undefined'){ !$('#sliding_css_src').length && $( "", { rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css", id: 'sliding_css_src', href: ALIYUN_OSS_DOMAIN + "plugins/public/js/slidingVerification/sliding_verification_style.css" }).appendTo( "head" ); whenArray.push($.getScript(ALIYUN_OSS_DOMAIN + 'plugins/public/js/slidingVerification/sliding_tn_code.js')); } if(typeof(jQuery.validationEngine) === 'undefined'){ !$('#from_module_form_css').length && $( "", { rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css", id: 'from_module_form_css', href: ALIYUN_OSS_DOMAIN + "plugins/public/js/from/form.min.css" }).appendTo( "head" ); whenArray.push($.getScript(ALIYUN_OSS_DOMAIN + 'plugins/public/js/from/form.min.js')); } } if(whenArray.length){ $.when.apply(this, whenArray).done(function(){ loadFun(); }); }else{ loadFun(); } }else{ loadFun(); } }else{ // wsf.f.alertWindow(data.error, 'error', 3); } }, 'json'); }else{ setTimFun(jsonCurDom); } }, loadBind: function () { var that = this; that.rowDom = $('div.alertPublicModuleRow:first'); wsf.pDom.bodyDom.on({ click: function () { var $this = $(this), evAlertContainer = $this.closest('.ev-alert-container'), alertPublicModuleRow = $this.closest('.alertPublicModuleRow'), tabStrId = evAlertContainer.attr('id').substr(5), closetype = parseInt(evAlertContainer.attr('data-closetype')), opentype = parseInt(evAlertContainer.attr('data-opentype')); if (evAlertContainer.attr('data-new') * 1 === 1) { // DF.pub.Fun.addAlertContainer.editName(); } else { if (opentype === 0 && closetype === 1 && !is_action) { var alertTabList = {}, alertTabCookieInfo = readCookie(user_name+'_tjAlertTabList'); if (alertTabCookieInfo) { alertTabList = JSON.parse(alertTabCookieInfo); } alertTabList[tabStrId] = new Date().getTime(); writeCookie(user_name+'_tjAlertTabList', JSON.stringify(alertTabList), 1000*24); } evAlertContainer.addClass('none'); evAlertContainer.find('.ev-module-edit-box').each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); if(dom.attr('data-animate-name')){ dom.addClass('load-animate'); dom.removeData('loadanimate'); } }) alertPublicModuleRow.children('#alertBg_' + tabStrId).addClass('none'); is_action && evAlertContainer.removeClass('curEditModuleSize'); if (!evAlertContainer.siblings('.ev-alert-container:not(.none)').length) { alertPublicModuleRow.removeClass('editShowAlertRow'); } } if(is_action){ wsf.pDom.bodyDom.trigger('click'); parWin.Ev.admin.tj.v.editShowAlert = null; } evAlertContainer.find('.video-module').each(function(i, dom){ var video = $(dom).find('video'); video.length && video[0].pause(); }); !is_action && evAlertContainer.find('.online-video-module').each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); var iframe = dom.find('iframe'); if(iframe.length){ iframe.attr('data-src', iframe.attr('src')); iframe.removeAttr('src'); dom.attr('data-removesrc',1); } }); } }, '.alert-close-btn'); if (!is_action && GData.tabAlertStrMs) { $.each(GData.tabAlertStrMs.split(','), function (i, v) { that.showAlert(v, 'load'); }); } } }; /*进度变换*/ wsf.progress = { judge: function(){ var that = this; that.defDomJson = []; $('div.ev-progress-module').each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); if(!dom.closest('.load-animate').length){ that.defDomJson.push({ 'dom': dom, 'oTop': dom.offset().top, 'loaded': false }); } }); }, showProgress: function(t, h){ var that = this; $.each(that.defDomJson, function (i, v) { if (!v.loaded) { if ((t + h * 0.9) >= v.oTop) { that.load(v.dom); v.loaded = true; } } }); }, numberSkin: { skin2:{type:'img', url:'img'}, skin2:{type:'span', cname:'img'} }, barFun: { type1:function(){ return null; }, type2: function (dom) { var bar = dom.find('.bar'), maxVal = dom.attr('data-maxval') * 1; return function (v) { bar.css({width: (v / maxVal) * 100 + '%'}); }; }, type3: function (dom) { var bar = dom.find('.bar'), maxVal = dom.attr('data-maxval') * 1; return function (v) { bar.css({width: (v / maxVal) * 100 + '%'}); }; }, type4: function (dom) { var bar = dom.find('.bar'), maxVal = dom.attr('data-maxval') * 1; return function (v) { bar.css({height: (v / maxVal) * 100 + '%'}); }; }, type5: function (dom) { var bar = dom.find('.bar'), maxVal = dom.attr('data-maxval') * 1; return function (v) { bar.css({height: (v / maxVal) * 100 + '%'}); }; } }, progressArr:{}, load: function (progress) { var that = this, smallType = (function(){ var barClass = progress.find('div:first-child').attr('class'), x = 0, arr = ['p-num','p-bar-2','p-bar-3','p-bar-4','p-bar-5']; $.each(arr, function(i, v){ if(barClass.indexOf(v) !== -1){ x = i + 1; return false; } }); return x; }()), j = { target: progress.find('.num-e'), startVal: progress.attr('data-startval') * 1, endVal: progress.attr('data-endval') * 1, decimals: progress.attr('data-decimals') * 1, duration: progress.attr('data-duration') * 1, grouping: !!(progress.attr('data-grouping') * 1), easingFn: 'easeOut', separator: ',', decimal: '.', prefix: '', suffix: '', numerals: [], runCallback: that.barFun['type' + smallType](progress), startCallback: function () {}, endCallback: function () {} }; ($.inArray(smallType, [2, 3, 4, 5]) !== -1) && progress.find('.num-m').text(progress.attr('data-maxval')); progress.countUp(j); progress.data('countup').start(); } }; /* show-big-pic createDate:2017/09/24 产品最终页的图片效果 */ wsf.innerPreview = function (id) { var preview = $(id), bigPics = preview.find(".show-big-pic"), bigPic = bigPics.find(".pic"), bigPicW = parseInt(bigPic.width()), bigPicH = parseInt(bigPic.height()), smallListArea = preview.find(".small-pic-list-area"), sList = smallListArea.find(".small-pic-list"), sListW = sList.width(), sListUl = sList.find("ul"), ulW = 0, spic = null, zoom = null; sListUl.find("li").each(function () { ulW += $(this).width(); }); sListUl.width(ulW).attr('data-left', 0); // 左右按钮绑定事件 smallListArea.on({ click: function () { var $this = $(this), action = $(this).data('action'), curleft = sListUl.attr('data-left') * 1, moveleft = null; if (!$this.data('click') && ulW > sListW) { $this.data('click', 1); switch (action) { case 'left': curleft != 0 && (function () { if (curleft - sListW != 0) { moveleft = Math.min(Math.max(curleft - sListW, curleft), sListW); } else { moveleft = sListW; } moveleft = -moveleft; })(); break; case 'right': (function () { moveleft = Math.min(ulW - curleft - sListW, sListW); })(); break; } sListUl.animate({ marginLeft: -(curleft + moveleft) }, 600, function () { sListUl.attr('data-left', (curleft + moveleft)); $this.data('click', 0); }); } } }, '.move-btn'); // 小图li绑定事件 smallListArea.on({ mouseenter: function () { var $this = $(this); $this.addClass("liCur").siblings('.liCur').removeClass('liCur'); var sImgUrl = $this.find("img").attr('data-imgsrc'), bigPicsImg = bigPics.find("img"), oImg = new Image(); sImgUrl = sImgUrl.indexOf('?') != '-1' ? sImgUrl.substr(0, sImgUrl.indexOf('?')) : sImgUrl; bigPicsImg.attr('src', '/images/VNew/loading-wait-bg.gif').attr('data-imgsrc', sImgUrl); oImg.onload = function () { bigPicsImg.attr({ "src": oImg.src }); } oImg.src = sImgUrl + '?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_lfit,limit_1,w_' + parseInt(bigPicW) + ',h_' + parseInt(bigPicH); } }, 'li'); // 初始化方法 smallListArea.find('li').each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); var pic = dom.find('.pic'), getImage = pic.find('img'), sImgUrl = getImage.attr('data-imgsrc'), oImage = new Image(); sImgUrl = sImgUrl.indexOf('?') != '-1' ? sImgUrl.substr(0, sImgUrl.indexOf('?')) : sImgUrl; getImage.attr('data-imgsrc', sImgUrl); oImage.onload = function () { getImage.attr('src', this.src); }; oImage.src = sImgUrl + '?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_lfit,limit_1,w_' + pic.width().toFixed(0) + ',h_' + pic.height().toFixed(0); i == 0 && dom.trigger('mouseenter'); }); if (!bigPics.data('desabledZoom')) { bigPics.on({ mouseenter: function (event) { if(!bigPics.data('videoplay')){ var $this = $(this), getImgSrc = $this.find("img").attr('data-imgsrc'); if ($this.data("hover") != 1) { $this.data("hover", 1); zoom = $('
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    '; } if (interactionJiFen) { errorMsg += interactionJifFenName + interactionJiFen + '积分,'; } if (checkInteraction === 0 && checkPay === 0) { errorMsg += "您的"+payJifFenName+'积分和'+interactionJifFenName+'不足,'; } else if (checkInteraction === 0) { errorMsg += "您的"+interactionJifFenName+'不足,
    '; } else if (checkPay === 0) { errorMsg += "您的"+payJifFenName+'积分不足,'; } errorMsg += '暂不能参加该活动,非常抱歉!'; wsf.f.alertWindow(errorMsg, 'error'); return true; } var yes = function () { $.getJSON("/Ajax/Product.php?type=11&claim_type=1&username=" + user_name + "&pid=" + pro_id + "&coupon_id=" + id, function (data) { var pdom = null, idom = '', htmls; data.status = parseInt(data.status); if (parseInt(data.success) === 0 && data.status === 0) { wsf.f.alertWindow(data.error); return true; } switch (data.status * 1) { case 0: pdom = '
    恭喜,您已成功领取满' + CURRENCY_SIGN + data.over_price + '减' + CURRENCY_SIGN + data.ticket_price + '优惠券。
    使用时间:' + data.start_time + '-' + data.end_time + '
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    '; break; case 2: pdom = '
    '; break; case 3: pdom = '
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    '+ payJiFen + '积分,'; } if (interactionJiFen) { msg += interactionJifFenName + interactionJiFen + '积分,'; } msg += '确定领取吗?'; $.popup({ type: 2, animate: { type: 1 }, cName: "evPopupWhite", area: { w: 300 }, con: { text: [1, msg], img: [1, 'warn'] }, but: { yes: 1, button: { but_1: { text: $weisiteLa.QuXiao, fun: function () { } }, but_2: { text: $weisiteLa.QueDing, fun: yes } } } }); } else { yes(); } }); pCouponList.on({ 'mouseenter': function () { var $this = $(this), classifyModule = null; if ($this.find('.small-classify-wrap-more').length) { classifyModule = $this.find('.classify-module'); classifyModule.addClass('classify-module-show'); $this.data('show', 1); } }, 'mouseleave': function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('show')) { $this.find('.classify-module').removeClass('classify-module-show'); } } }); } }; // 产品最终页中的联系方式相关的js wsf.pContactList = function(){ var pContactList = $('#pContactList'); if(pContactList.length){ pContactList.on('click', '.wechat-classify-wrap', function(){ var $this = $(this), dataImg = $this.attr('data-img'), htmls = '


    '; $.popup({ cName:'evPopupWhite', head : {yes: 0}, type : 4, con : { html : htmls } }); }); } } // 产品最终页中的联系方式相关的js wsf.productPrevNextPosition = function(){ var productPrevBtn = $('#productPrevBtn'), productNextBtn = $('#productPrevBtn'); if(productPrevBtn.length || productNextBtn.length){ var bodyW = $('body').width(), headH = $('#main_container').offset().top(); userSiteWidth; productPrevBtn.css({ }) } } /* createDate:2017/09/24 预售js方法(人数列表显示更多) */ wsf.presellPeopleListFun = function () { var presellPeopleList = $("#presellPeopleList"); presellPeopleList.on('click', 'small', function () { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.hasClass('switch-on')) { $this.addClass('switch-on'); presellPeopleList.find('.classify-wrap-hide').show(); } else { $this.removeClass('switch-on'); presellPeopleList.find('.classify-wrap-hide').hide(); } }); }; /* createDate:2017/09/24 倒计时函数 */ wsf.countDown = function (j) { j.type = j.type || 1; var r = function (t) { var a = t.split(' '), ymd = a[0], hms = a[1], str = ymd.split('-'), fix = hms.split(':'), year = str[0] - 0, month = str[1] - 0 - 1, day = str[2] - 0, hour = fix[0] - 0, minute = fix[1] - 0, second = fix[2] - 0, time = (new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)).getTime(); return parseInt(time / 1000); }, o = j.o, st = r(j.st), et = r(j.et), nts = j.nt ? r(j.nt) : (new Date().getTime() / 1000), underway = function (sType) { var d, h, mi, s, now = nts, c = (sType === 'b' ? st : et) - now, html_; nts = nts + 1; if (c > 0) { d = Math.floor(c / (60 * 60 * 24)); h = Math.floor((c - d * 24 * 60 * 60) / 3600); mi = Math.floor((c - d * 24 * 60 * 60 - h * 3600) / 60); s = Math.floor(c - d * 24 * 60 * 60 - h * 3600 - mi * 60); h = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h; mi = mi < 10 ? '0' + mi : mi; s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s; switch(j.type){ case 1: html_ = '' + d + '' + h + '' + mi + '' + s + ''; break; case 2: html_ = '' + h + ':' + mi + ':' + s + ''; break; } o.html(html_); setTimeout(function () { underway(sType); }, 1000); } else { if (sType === 'b') { underway('n'); typeof j.nfun === 'function' && j.nfun(); } else { typeof j.efun === 'function' && j.efun(); } } }; // 判断状态 if ((st - nts) > 0) { typeof j.sfun == 'function' && j.sfun(); underway('b') } else if ((nts - et) > 0) { typeof j.efun == 'function' && j.efun(); } else { underway('n'); typeof j.nfun == 'function' && j.nfun(); } }; /*全屏行方法*/ wsf.fullRow = { fullRowXY: null, afterRender: null, win: window, curFullRow: null, evRFSwidthmodule: null, headFullXY: null, scrollbars: null, loadFun: function(){ var that = this, btnliItemArr = null, btnliItem = null, section = '#add_container>.customModuleRow,#add_container>.customModuleRowGroup', footPublicModuleRow, footer; if(that.evRFSwidthmodule.length){ btnliItem = that.evRFSwidthmodule.find('.btnli-item'); that.evRFSwidthmodule.on({ "click": function(){ var $this = $(this), tagRow = $this.attr('data-target-row'); if(!$this.hasClass('active')){ $.scrollify.move('#' + tagRow); } } }, '.btnli-item'); } if(that.headFullXY.height() > 10){ section += ', #headFullXY'; } if((footer = $('#footer')).length && (footer.height() > 0)){ section += ', #footer'; } if((footPublicModuleRow = $('.footPublicModuleRow')).length && (footPublicModuleRow.height() > 0)){ section += ', .footPublicModuleRow'; } if(that.scrollbars === null){ that.scrollbars = false; } $.scrollify({ section : section, sectionName : "full-name", // interstitialSection: '#header', scrollSpeed: 1100, offset : 0, scrollbars: false, setHeights: false, overflowScroll: true, updateHash: true, touchScroll:true, before:function(x, rowArr) { btnliItem && btnliItem.each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); if(dom.attr('data-target-row') === rowArr[x].attr('data-full-name')){ dom.addClass('active'); }else{ dom.removeClass('active'); } }); }, after:function(x, rowArr) { /* var curRow = $(rowArr[x]); if(curRow.data('cscroll')){ switch(curRow[0].mcs.topPct*1){ case 0: curRow.mCustomScrollbar('scrollTo', { y: "2" }); break; case 100: curRow.mCustomScrollbar('scrollTo', { y: Math.abs(curRow[0].mcs.topPct) - 2 + '' }); break; } } curRow.find('.load-animate').each(function(i, dom){ wsf.f.annimationLoadMo($(dom)); }) */ }, afterResize:function() {}, afterRender:function() { that.afterRender = true; if(that.evRFSwidthmodule.length){ that.evRFSwidthmodule.find('.btnli-item:first').addClass('active'); } } }); }, addBtnliItem: function(){ var btnliItemArr = []; $("#headFullXY, #main_container .customModuleRow, #footer").each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); dom.attr('data-full-name', dom.attr('id')).data('fullName', dom.attr('id')); var text = '通栏'; switch(dom.attr('id')){ case 'headFullXY': if(dom.height() < 1){ return true; } text = '头部' break; case 'footer': text = '底部' break; default: text = '通栏'+ i; break; } btnliItemArr.push('
  • ' + text + '
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if (rowOriginHeight < winH) { val.rowDom.find('.CModulePA').height(winH).children('.ev-module-edit, .customModule').each(function (i, moDom) { moDom = $(moDom); var moDomH = moDom.height(); if(!moDom.closest('.ev-container-wap').length && !moDom.data('sizeH')){ /* var moOriginTop = moDom.position().top, newTop = (moOriginTop / (rowOriginHeight - moDomH)) * (winH - moDomH); moDom.css('top', newTop + 'px'); */ // console.log(rowOriginHeight); moDom.css('top', (moDom.position().top / rowOriginHeight)*100+'%'); moDom.data('sizeH', 1); } }); } if (k_ === 0 && rowOriginHeight > (winH + 10)){ // that.scrollbars != null && $.scrollify.setOptions({scrollbars: true}); that.scrollbars = true; } k_++; // 这是添加行的滚动条,暂时不用了 /*if (rowOriginHeight > (winH + 10)) { if(!is_action){ val.rowDom.css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'height': winH + 'px' }); wsf.f.mCScrollbar(val.rowDom); } } */ }); // 这是添加顶部的滚动条,暂时不用了 /* if(!is_action){ if(that.headFullXY.length && (that.headFullXY.height() > (winH + 10))){ that.headFullXY.css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'height': winH + 'px' }); wsf.f.mCScrollbar(that.headFullXY); } } */ !is_action && !that.afterRender && that.loadFun(); }else{ !is_action && that.evRFSwidthmodule.remove(); } if(that.evRFSwidthmodule.length && !is_action){ if(that.evRFSwidthmodule.attr('data-position') * 1){ wsf.f.positionShow(that.evRFSwidthmodule, that.evRFSwidthmodule.attr('data-position') - 1); }else{ that.evRFSwidthmodule.css({ left: Math.floor(that.evRFSwidthmodule.attr('data-lshifting') * 1 + ($('body').width() - userSiteWidth) / 2) + 'px', top: that.evRFSwidthmodule.attr('data-tshifting') + 'px' }); } } } }; /* createDate:2017/09/24 旧手动左右滚动产品效果――类 */ wsf.flow_pro_ = function (n, t) { var ContN = $(n).parent(), $list_ul = ContN.find("ul"), $list_ul_par = $list_ul.parent(), $list_li_num = $list_ul.find("li").length, $list_li_Lborder = parseInt($list_ul.find("li").css("border-left-width")), $list_li_Rborder = parseInt($list_ul.find("li").css("border-right-width")), $list_li_Lpadd = parseInt($list_ul.find("li").css("padding-left")), $list_li_Rpadd = parseInt($list_ul.find("li").css("padding-left")), $list_li_Rmargin = parseInt($list_ul.find("li").css('margin-right')), $list_li_Lmargin = parseInt($list_ul.find("li").css('margin-left')); $list_li_Lborder = isNaN($list_li_Lborder) ? 0 : $list_li_Lborder; $list_li_Rborder = isNaN($list_li_Rborder) ? 0 : $list_li_Rborder; $list_li_Rmargin = isNaN($list_li_Rmargin) ? 0 : $list_li_Rmargin; $list_li_Lmargin = isNaN($list_li_Lmargin) ? 0 : $list_li_Lmargin; var $list_li_width = $list_ul.find("li").width() + $list_li_Lborder + $list_li_Rborder + $list_li_Lmargin + $list_li_Rmargin + $list_li_Lpadd + $list_li_Rpadd, $show_num = Math.floor(($list_ul_par.width()) / $list_li_width), $ul_width = $list_li_width * $list_li_num, $list_ul_left = Math.abs($list_ul.position().left), $page = Math.ceil($list_li_num / $show_num), $move = $show_num * $list_li_width, $newMove = $ul_width - ($list_ul_left + $move); if (t == 1) { if ($newMove > 0) { if ($newMove > $move) { if ($list_ul.is(':animated') === false) { $list_ul.animate({ "left": "-=" + $move }, 500); $(n).parent().find(".left-but").addClass("left-but-off"); } } else { if ($list_ul.is(':animated') === false) { $list_ul.animate({ "left": "-=" + $newMove }, 500); 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switch (showStyle) { case 13: (function(MId){ setTimeout(function(){ wsf.chartInit(jsData[MId].type, MId, jsData[MId].start, jsData[MId].end, jsData[MId].step, jsData[MId].data); }, 200); })(MId); break; case 12: (function(MId){ setTimeout(function(){ wsf.baiduInit(MId, jsData[MId].x, jsData[MId].y, jsData[MId].content); }, 200); })(MId); break; } } }; wsf.tj_zhuce = function () { window.location.href = "/dom/zhuce.php?username=" + user_name; }; /* createDate:2017/09/24 图册模块 */ wsf.albums = function (evAlbumsModule) { var evAlbumsModule = evAlbumsModule || $('div.ev-albums-module'); if (evAlbumsModule.length) { var albumsCollect = function (obj, allObj) { if (!(obj.attr('data-click') * 1)) { allObj.attr('data-click', 1); var t = obj.parent(), number = t.find('.number'), numberTxt = number.text() * 1, timestamp = Date.parse(new Date()), url = '/dom/user_collect_add.php?timestamp=' + timestamp, is_detail = t.data("detail"), data = { 'title': t.data("name"), 'type': t.data("type"), 'doc_id': t.data("id"), 'ch_id': t.data("chid"), 'href': t.data("href"), 'username': user_name, 'wap': 0 }; $.ajax({ 'url': url, type: "POST", async: false, cache: false, data: data, success: function (data) { allObj.attr('data-click', 0); data = parseInt(data); if (data === 1) { allObj.each(function () { $(this).hide().siblings('.evIcon').show(); var tmpT = $(this).parent(), tmpNumber = tmpT.find('.number'); numberTxt === 0 && tmpNumber.show(); tmpNumber.text(numberTxt + 1); }); wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShouCangChengGongGeRenZhongXinKan, 2); } else if (data === 2) { wsf.f.confirmWindow($weisiteLa.QingXianDengLuHouShouCang, 'warn', function () { window.location.href = "/dom/denglu.php?username=" + user_name; }); return false; } else if (data === 3) { allObj.each(function () { $(this).hide().siblings('.evIcon').show(); var tmpT = $(this).parent(), tmpNumber = tmpT.find('.number'); tmpNumber.text(numberTxt - 1); numberTxt === 1 && tmpNumber.hide(); }); return false; } else if (data === 4) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.CanShuCuoWu, 1); return false; } } }); } else { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ZhengZaiQingQiuQingShaoDeng, 0); } return false; }, userAlbumLike = function (obj, allObj) { if (!(obj.attr('data-click') * 1)) { allObj.attr('data-click', 1); //点赞公用 // recordId 文章id // type ch type // style 属性class // operate like // part 1 // html '{n}' // style, operate, location //没有登录通过cookie验证是否点赞 var parentDom = obj.parent(), recordId = parentDom.data("id"), type = parentDom.data("type"), operate = parentDom.data("operate"), zz_userid = readCookie('zz_userid'), number = parentDom.find('.number'); if (!zz_userid && operate == 'like') { var userLikeRecord = readCookie('user_like_record'); var tmpStr = type + '*' + recordId; //已赞过 if (userLikeRecord.indexOf(tmpStr) != -1) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.YiZanGuo, 1); return false; } //每日限制100次 var tmpArr = userLikeRecord.split('#'); if (tmpArr.length >= 100) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.MeiRiZuiDuoDianZan, 1); return false; } } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: '/Public/UserOperate.php', data: { username: user_name, rid: recordId, opt: operate, type: type, part: 1, is_pc: 1, t: Date.parse(new Date()) }, success: function (data) { if (data.errorcode > 0) { wsf.f.alertWindow(data.errormsg + '!', 1); } else { allObj.attr('data-click', 0); allObj.each(function () { var tmpT = $(this).parent(), tmpNumber = tmpT.find('.number'); data.num == 0 ? tmpNumber.hide() : tmpNumber.show(); tmpNumber.text(data.num); $(this).hide().siblings('.evIcon').show(); if (operate == 'like') { tmpT.data('operate', "unLike"); } else if (operate == 'unLike') { tmpT.data('operate', "like"); } }); } } }); } else { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ZhengZaiQingQiuQingShaoDeng, 0); } }; evAlbumsModule.each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); dom.find('.pic-social').on({ click: function () { var $this = $(this); if (($this.attr('data-default') * 1) === 1) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShiLiTuBuNengCaoZuo, 0); } else { var chType = parseInt($this.parent().parent().attr("data-type")); var id = parseInt($this.parent().parent().attr("data-id")); var allObj = null; if ($this.parent().hasClass('like-btn')) { if (chType === 18) { allObj = $this.hasClass('evIcon-hand-1') ? $(".SMALbumSysButLike" + id) : $(".SMALbumSysButLikeCur" + id); } else { allObj = $this; } userAlbumLike($this, allObj); } else { if (chType === 18) { allObj = $this.hasClass('evIcon-heart-2') ? $(".SMALbumSysButCollect" + id) : $(".SMALbumSysButCollectCur" + id); } else { allObj = $this; } albumsCollect($this, allObj); } } return false; } }, '.evIcon'); switch (dom.attr('data-opentype') * 1) { case 0: dom.on({ click: function () { var $this = $(this); $this.attr('data-target') * 1 === 0 ? window.location.assign($this.attr('data-url')) : window.open($this.attr('data-url'), '_blank'); } }, '.div-item'); break; case 1: dom.find('ul').lightGallery({ 'galleryId': 'lightgallery_' + i, // 'startClass': 'lg-slide', 'mode': 'lg-slide-circular', 'backdropDuration': 300, 'thumbnail': true, 'pager': false, 'share': false, 'download': false, 'loop': true, 'dynamic': false, 'selector': 'div.div-item', 'selectorSort': 'data-id', 'exThumbImage': 'data-original-src', 'exThumbElement': 'img' }); break; } }); } }; /* createDate:2018/05/24 系统调用中的点赞收藏功能 */ wsf.sysDoc = function (targetDom) { var docSysM = targetDom || $('div.ev-sys-doc-module'); if (docSysM.length) { var collect = function (obj, allObj) { if (!(obj.attr('data-click') * 1)) { allObj.attr('data-click', 1); var t = obj.parent(), number = t.find('.number'), numberTxt = number.text() * 1, timestamp = Date.parse(new Date()), url = '/dom/user_collect_add.php?timestamp=' + timestamp, is_detail = t.data("detail"), data = { 'title': t.data("name"), 'type': t.data("type"), 'doc_id': t.data("id"), 'channel_id': t.data("chid"), 'username': user_name, 'wap': 0 }; $.ajax({ 'url': url, type: "POST", async: false, cache: false, data: data, success: function (data) { allObj.attr('data-click', 0); data = parseInt(data); if (data === 1) { allObj.each(function () { $(this).hide().siblings('.evIcon').show(); var tmpT = $(this).parent(), tmpNumber = tmpT.find('.number'); numberTxt === 0 && tmpNumber.show(); tmpNumber.text(numberTxt + 1); }); wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShouCangChengGongGeRenZhongXinKan, 2); } else if (data === 2) { wsf.f.confirmWindow($weisiteLa.QingXianDengLuHouShouCang, 'warn', function () { window.location.href = "/dom/denglu.php?username=" + user_name; }); return false; } else if (data === 3) { allObj.each(function () { $(this).hide().siblings('.evIcon').show(); var tmpT = $(this).parent(), tmpNumber = tmpT.find('.number'); tmpNumber.text(numberTxt - 1); numberTxt === 1 && tmpNumber.hide(); }); return false; } else if (data === 4) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.CanShuCuoWu, 1); return false; } } }); } else { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ZhengZaiQingQiuQingShaoDeng, 0); } return false; }, like = function (obj, allObj) { if (!(obj.attr('data-click') * 1)) { allObj.attr('data-click', 1); //没有登录通过cookie验证是否点赞 var parentDom = obj.parent(), recordId = parentDom.data("id"), type = parentDom.data("type"), operate = parentDom.data("operate"), zz_userid = readCookie('zz_userid'), number = parentDom.find('.number'); if (!zz_userid && operate == 'like') { var userLikeRecord = readCookie('user_like_record'); var tmpStr = type + '*' + recordId; //已赞过 if (userLikeRecord.indexOf(tmpStr) != -1) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.YiZanGuo, 1); return false; } //每日限制100次 var tmpArr = userLikeRecord.split('#'); if (tmpArr.length >= 100) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.MeiRiZuiDuoDianZan, 1); return false; } } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: '/Public/UserOperate.php', data: { username: user_name, rid: recordId, opt: operate, type: type, part: 1, is_pc: 1, t: Date.parse(new Date()) }, success: function (data) { if (data.errorcode > 0) { wsf.f.alertWindow(data.errormsg + '!', 1); } else { allObj.attr('data-click', 0); allObj.each(function () { var tmpT = $(this).parent(), tmpNumber = tmpT.find('.number'); data.num == 0 ? tmpNumber.hide() : tmpNumber.show(); tmpNumber.text(data.num); $(this).hide().siblings('.evIcon').show(); if (operate == 'like') { tmpT.data('operate', "unLike"); } else if (operate == 'unLike') { tmpT.data('operate', "like"); } }); } } }); } else { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ZhengZaiQingQiuQingShaoDeng, 0); } }; docSysM.each(function (i, dom) { dom = $(dom); if(!dom.data('iconclick')){ dom.on({ click: function () { var $this = $(this), type = $this.data('type'); switch(type){ case 'share': wsf.share.createShareLayer($this); return false; break; case 'like':case 'collect': if (($this.attr('data-default') * 1) === 1) { wsf.f.alertWindow($weisiteLa.ShiLiTuBuNengCaoZuo, 0); } else { var id = parseInt($this.parent().parent().attr("data-id")); var allObj = null; if ($this.parent().hasClass('int-link')) { allObj = $this.hasClass('evIcon-hand-1') ? $(".MSysDocButLike" + id) : $(".MSysDocButLikeCur" + id); like($this, allObj); } else { allObj = $this.hasClass('evIcon-heart-2') ? $(".MSysDocButCollect" + id) : $(".MSysDocButCollectCur" + id); collect($this, allObj); } } return false; break; } } }, '.pic-interact .evIcon'); dom.data('iconclick',1); } }); } }; /* createDate:2017/09/24 图册模块中点赞收藏功能 */ wsf.albumsDataLoad = function (type) { if (!GData.SMAlbumIds && !GData.SMAlbumSysIds && !GData.docSysIds) { return false; } type = parseInt(type); $.post("/Ajax/TJIndex.php?username=" + user_name, { type : 7, ids : GData.SMAlbumIds, sysIds : GData.SMAlbumSysIds, docSysIds: GData.docSysIds }, function (data) { data.success * 1 && ((data.list && data.list.length) || (data.sysList && data.sysList.length) || (data.docSysList && data.docSysList.length)) && (function () { var list = data.list; $.each(list, function (i, v) { var curSocial = $('#SMALbum' + v.id); if (curSocial.length) { var collectCnt = v.collectCnt * 1, likeCnt = v.likeCnt * 1; collectCnt !== 0 && curSocial.find('.collect-btn .number').text(collectCnt); likeCnt !== 0 && curSocial.find('.like-btn .number').text(likeCnt); curSocial.find('.collect-btn .evIcon[data-action="' + (v.isCollect * 1 ? 'del' : 'add') + '"]').show().siblings('.evIcon').hide(); curSocial.find('.like-btn .evIcon[data-action="' + (v.isLike * 1 ? 'del' : 'add') + '"]').show().siblings('.evIcon').hide(); curSocial.find('.like-btn').attr('data-operate', (v.isLike * 1 ? 'unLike' : 'like')); curSocial.find('.evIcon').attr('data-click', 0); } }); var sysList = data.sysList; $.each(sysList, function (i, v) { var curSocial = $('.SMALbumSys' + v.id); if (curSocial.length) { var collectCnt = v.collectCnt * 1, likeCnt = v.likeCnt * 1; collectCnt !== 0 && curSocial.find('.collect-btn .number').text(collectCnt); likeCnt !== 0 && curSocial.find('.like-btn .number').text(likeCnt); curSocial.find('.collect-btn .evIcon[data-action="' + (v.isCollect * 1 ? 'del' : 'add') + '"]').show().siblings('.evIcon').hide(); curSocial.find('.like-btn .evIcon[data-action="' + (v.isLike * 1 ? 'del' : 'add') + '"]').show().siblings('.evIcon').hide(); curSocial.find('.like-btn').attr('data-operate', (v.isLike * 1 ? 'unLike' : 'like')); curSocial.find('.evIcon').attr('data-click', 0); } }); var docSysList = data.docSysList; $.each(docSysList, function (i, v) { var curSocial = $('.MDocSys' + v.id); if (curSocial.length) { var collectCnt = v.collectCnt * 1, likeCnt = v.likeCnt * 1, readCount = v.readCount * 1, replyCount = v.replyCount * 1; collectCnt !== 0 && curSocial.find('.int-collect .number').text(collectCnt); likeCnt !== 0 && curSocial.find('.int-link .number').text(likeCnt); readCount !== 0 && curSocial.find('.int-read .number').text(readCount); replyCount !== 0 && curSocial.find('.int-comment .number').text(replyCount); curSocial.find('.int-collect .evIcon[data-action="' + (v.isCollect * 1 ? 'del' : 'add') + '"]').show().siblings('.evIcon').hide(); curSocial.find('.int-link .evIcon[data-action="' + (v.isLike * 1 ? 'del' : 'add') + '"]').show().siblings('.evIcon').hide(); curSocial.find('.int-link').attr('data-operate', (v.isLike * 1 ? 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obj : $('.customModuleRowGroup'); rowGroupDom.on('click', '.ctrl-sidebar-area em', function(){ var $this = $(this), showTarget = $this.attr('data-target'), rowGroup = null; if(!$this.hasClass('cur')){ $this.addClass('cur').siblings('.cur').removeClass('cur'); rowArray = $this.closest('.customModuleRowGroup').find('.customModuleRow'); if(rowArray.length > 1){ rowArray.each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); if(dom.attr('id') === showTarget){ dom.addClass('customModuleRowBlock').removeClass('customModuleRowNone'); }else{ dom.hasClass('customModuleRowBlock') && dom.removeClass('customModuleRowBlock').addClass('customModuleRowNone'); } }) } } }); }; // 背景音乐图标 wsf.webSiteBgMusic = function(){ var webSiteBgMusic = $('#webSiteBgMusic'); if(webSiteBgMusic.length){ var bgMusicBtn = $(''), audio = webSiteBgMusic[0]; wsf.pDom.htmlDom.append(bgMusicBtn); audio.play(); if(audio.paused){ bgMusicBtn.addClass('paused').attr('title',"播放背景音乐"); }else{ bgMusicBtn.removeClass('paused').addClass('play').attr('title',"暂停背景音乐"); } /* var audioAutoPlay = setInterval(function(){ if(audio.paused){ audio.play(); }else{ bgMusicBtn.removeClass('paused').addClass('play').attr('title',"暂停背景音乐"); clearInterval(audioAutoPlay); } }, 1000); */ // playFun(); bgMusicBtn.on('click', function(){ // playFun('click'); if(audio.paused){ bgMusicBtn.removeClass('paused').addClass('play').attr('title',"暂停背景音乐"); audio.play(); }else{ bgMusicBtn.addClass('paused').attr('title',"播放背景音乐"); audio.pause(); } }) } }; // 百度编辑器中的embed代码替换成video代码 wsf.embedToVideo = function(){ var editor_content_air = $('.editor_content_air'); editor_content_air.each(function(i, dom){ dom = $(dom); var embeds = dom.find('embed'); embeds.each(function(i, embed){ embed = $(embed); embed.before(''); embed.remove(); }); }); }; /*页面加载完后要执行加载的函数*/ $(function () { //获得当前window对象 wsf.pDom.winDom = $(window); //获得当前html对象 wsf.pDom.htmlDom = $('html'); //获得当前body对象 wsf.pDom.bodyDom = $('body'); //给页面中的wsf事件的a链接去掉打开目标属性target wsf.pDom.bodyDom.find('a[href*="javascript:wsf"]').each(function (i, dom) { $(dom).removeAttr('target'); }); //给页面中的wsf事件的a链接绑定事件 wsf.pDom.bodyDom.on('click', 'a', function () { var $this = $(this), href= $this.attr('href'); if(href && href.indexOf('javascript:wsf') === -1){ if(href.indexOf('showAlert_') != -1){ wsf.evAlertRow.showAlert(href.substr(10)); return false; } if(href.indexOf('showWXCode_') != -1){ wsf.f.showWXCode(href.substr(11)); return false; } } }); //图册焦点图收藏点赞功能方法 wsf.albumsDataLoad(); //页面主导航的事件方法 wsf.nav(); //页面中搜索模块的方法 wsf.search(); //页面模块焦点图方法 wsf.focusPicModule(); //页面文字列表模块 wsf.textListModule(); //设置滚动模块的事件 wsf.moveModule(); //模块树形结构分类事件 wsf.catalogList(); //模块抽屉分类事件 wsf.menuCatalogModule(); //详情页标签切换方法 wsf.tabSwitchModule(); // wsf.tableModule(); //通栏产品分类的事件 wsf.classifyModule(); wsf.selectState(); wsf.customEditModule(); wsf.manualMoveModule(); wsf.innerWapBuy(); wsf.picTextList_changePic(); wsf.formModule.defaultValVerify(); wsf.evTabContent.loadBind(); wsf.evSearch.load(); wsf.videoModule(); wsf.banner3D.init(); if (!is_action) { wsf.loadWidth(); wsf.absoluteMenuCatalog(); wsf.windowResize(); wsf.albums(); wsf.sysDoc(); // wsf.rowVideo(); wsf.share.bindEvent(); wsf.concern(); wsf.pShowGetCoupon(); wsf.pContactList(); wsf.fixedRow.getDom(); wsf.scrollFixed.judge(); wsf.jumpRowAnchor(); // wsf.fullRow.loadFun(); } else { // wsf.moduleBind(); wsf.absoluteModuleWrapBind(); } wsf.queryMJsEffect(MJsData); // 页面加载完执行弹窗方法 wsf.evAlertRow.loadBind(); wsf.progress.judge(); // 页面加载完执行动画加载方法 wsf.loadAnimate.loadFun(); wsf.interactFun_(); wsf.ev_kf_zc_1(); wsf.wScroll(); // wsf.rowGroup(); wsf.webSiteBgMusic(); // 页面加载完替换百度编辑器中的embed的flash播放器 wsf.embedToVideo(); });